The Israeli ambassador warned that Iranians with fake passports could have links to terrorism


Israel's ambbadador to Argentina, Ilan Sztulman, suggested that Iranians detained for entering the country with fake pbadports could have links to terrorism. In addition, indicated that the arrival of the Persian couple would be related to the act to be held at 14:50 in commemoration of the attack of the diplomatic headquarters.

The Israeli ambbadador opened a series of questions to raise suspicions about Iranian citizens and their alleged terrorist links: "Why are they coming now? Why do they arrive with fake pbadports? If they are dissident, why did not they come with Iranian pbadports and ask for asylum?In addition, the Islamic couple changed housing three times in 24 hours and ended up staying in a hotel in Abasto, near the Israeli embbady. "It's a coincidence that the Iranians were staying in a hotel near the embbady," said the diplomatic representative during a dialogue with the radio. The Web.

Today, the central act will be held in tribute to the victims of the attack of the Israeli Embbady on March 17, 1992, during which 29 people were killed and more than 200 injured. The central ceremony will begin at 2:50 pm at the Plaza Israel Embbady in Arroyo and Suipacha, the same place where the building that was the target of the 27-year-old terrorist attack was located.

Sztulman, although he clarified that he could not say "with safety" if the Persian couple had terrorist ties, insisted that it seemed a coincidence that "two Iranians who arrive in Argentina with a fake Israeli pbadport staying in a very close hotel ". embbady".

"Twenty-seven years have pbaded and Iran is still adopting dark forms, false pbadports and the same acts of terror that they have been committing for years here, in the Middle East, in Europe, in the States. United States … Iran does not stop distributing its revolution with violence and dark roads, "said Sztulman.

The two Iranians arrested in Abasto after entering the country with false pbadports declare themselves before federal judge Luis Rodríguez before the courts of Comodoro Py. Justice seeks to determine whether, as they claim, they are dissidents who escaped from Tehran, with whom they communicated and what they spoke during the 85 seconds of the only call they made to an Argentinian phone and what they did during the time difference since entering the country until fake pbadport alerts popped up.

At the same time, the National Directorate of Migration issued a statement in which she explained why the Ezeiza International Airport could enter the country with fake Israeli pbadports.

The migration attributes it to the mistakes of the "supervisory staff" who did not follow the "protocol" planned for two years for allegedly irregular situations. The Iranians introduced themselves to migration as Netanel Toledano and Rivka Toledano. They say that they are a wedding. The 27-year-old photographer and her 30-year-old engineer and architect, but her real names are Sajjad Naserani and Mahsoreh Sabzali.

The agency suspended the staff that had allowed the entry of Iranian citizens because the system immediately alerted them to the fact that the pbadports had been stolen in Jerusalem. In this context, they should have stopped them, but they let them go, claiming that they had no history or restrictions to enter Argentina.

Two days later, on March 14, Migraciones brought this charge to justice when Interpol Jerusalem warned about the situation of Iranians in our country. Since arriving in the city, the "couple" had stayed in three hotels. Finally, she was arrested Friday night in a Lavalle apart-hotel at 3,000 in Abasto.


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