The issue of migration puts Merkel's coalition on the brink of implosion


Interior Minister Rejects Foreign Minister's European Commitment and Threats to Resignation Source: AFP – Credit: Michael Kappeler

PARIS.- The political crisis is over. is worse last night

When Interior Minister Horst Seehofer announced his intention to resign after weeks of confrontation with the Chancellor

Angela Merkel

the question of immigration

The head of the Christian Social Union (CSU), an ultraconservative Bavarian branch, sister of the Chancellor's Christian Democracy (CDU), accused Merkel on Saturday of having him travel to Berlin "for nothing". The meeting at which the head of government was to present a plan to limit immigration, he said, was "vain and useless", contradicting the optimistic remarks of the head of government

. Ten years ago, after Seehofer threatened to close the national borders to asylum seekers if the Chancellor failed to find a satisfactory solution to the European summit held on Thursday and Friday in Brussels.

Stricter measures to contain immigration, Merkel, however, rejects the unilateral project of his minister, because he fears that this will cause a chain reaction that ends with the Schengen space, the l 39; one of the main achievements of the EU.

On Saturday, Merkel was optimistic. The European commitment reached, which had the virtue of having been approved by the 28 countries of the Union, including Italy, Austria and Hungary, provided for the creation landing platforms on the other side of the Mediterranean in volunteer countries and reception centers. The EU, while the thorny issue of "secondary migration" was subject to the decision of the Member States. "Secondary migrants" are asylum seekers who have not obtained it in one country and have gone to another country to try again.

On the same day, he announced that he had signed agreements with 14 countries to expel these "migrants". secondary "in the country of entry." Even when all is not resolved, the measures adopted are in line with what the UHC claims, "said the Minister of Foreign Affairs in an interview. He received the Minister of the Interior in Berlin, hoping to put an end to the hostilities.

But this agreement ended up being too fragile. Central Europe – Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia – have denied the signing of this pact, probably with the aim of further undermining the authority of the Chancellor, asylum advocate and European level. since the beginning of the crisis.

Seehofer's reaction did not wait. Not only did he contradict the Chancellor with his public statements, but he also alluded to the possibility act by itself.The dome of the Bavarian formation seemed to support it jus Last night, CSU will go to the polls in October, in a region where the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party is well-positioned to win the elections.

For its part, Merkel yesterday obtained the support of the leaders of the CDU, which insists on the need for the two conservative parties to remain united, and for the Social Democrats of the SPD, the other member of the coalition, which fears to be a collateral victim of this fratricidal struggle right. The Social Democrats have not yet recovered from the failure of the last elections and they know that they are not yet ready to go to the polls.

Last night, Europe was anxiously badessing the outcome of a possible resignation of Seehofer. All fear that the government is plunged into a new political crisis of unpredictable proportions, after which it caused the advance of the far right in the legislative elections, which allowed him to send 92 Members of Parliament.

Will there be an epidemic? Coalition? Will the country have to go to new elections? Or did the CSU persuade its leader to withdraw to save the government and end the crisis? The next few hours will undoubtedly be decisive for Germany and for the European Union.

Reinforcements for the borders of the EU

German Chancellor Angela Merkel is ready to strengthen with the German troops the protection of the external borders of the

European Union
(EU) in countries such as Bulgaria or Greece, among others, if necessary. According to Merkel, these help measures would be put in place before the end of August, in order to further reduce the entry of people into the Schengen free movement zone. "We must also be ready to support Slovenia and Croatia when needed so that they can protect their borders," said a letter from the Foreign Minister to the leaders of his coalition partners. Ms Merkel also warned that she would fight more effectively against the abuse of visas granted by the Schengen area.

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