The Italian government has set a date and conditions for the general reopening | the Chronicle


Although it was one of the countries hardest hit by the coronavirus, the Italian Prime Minister, Mario Draghi, a d the national reopening for the next 26th of this month, therefore the constraints are relaxed and bars, restaurants and shows will be allowed to open. The condition is that it’s done outside, that is to say, premises which do not have a terrace or open space will remain closed.

The restaurants this time They will be able to serve breakfast, lunch and dinner, until the time set for the curfew, which in Italy is maintained at 10 p.m. And this is a novelty, because in the last six months, and before the total closure, the hotel trade was obliged to lower the blinds before six in the afternoon.

Draghi justifies this decision because he says that the risk of contagion outdoors is infinitely lower than in confined spaces. He is cautiously optimistic about the evolution of covid data in Italy and looks to the future with hope. But recognize that you take a risk the improvement is obvious but not as much as you would like.

Several factors also contributed to making this decision, in fact behind it there is a perceived pressure from some members of your government, especially that of Mateo salvini, the leader of the League, the far right party. But also that of certain regional presidents who did not hesitate to make their voice heard calling for the removal of the current bans.

In the background, growing protests in the streets of the sectors most affected by the confinement that have crossed the country shouting “Freedom”. Movement #Ioapro, I open, he mobilized dozens of hoteliers and in some cases, as happened last week in Rome, they led to violent clashes with the police outside Parliament.

The world of culture has also played a role in the mobilizations since since Wednesday a group of actors, musicians and workers in the sector have occupied the space of the Globe Theater in Rome. asking for a reopening which, in his case, has been going on since last fall.

Order of Culture and Sport

The Minister of Culture himself, Dario Franceschini, joined the mobilization after learning that Italy was going to consent to the public in the stadiums for the celebration of the Eurocup, next june. “The same treatment for culture,” he continued.

Before the noise of the streets had any more weight, the government of Draghi moved tab in a country where the number of infections, but especially deaths, stay high. This week, an average of 400 a day continued to add to the death list, as the vaccination rate continues to take off. The government’s goal is to vaccinate half a million Italians per day, but today it has not reached 300,000.


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