The Italian Prime Minister will resign from his post on Tuesday


he Italian Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, will submit his resignation on Tuesday morning to avoid a damaging defeat in the Senate and then he hopes to return to the head of a new government.

Conte will chair a cabinet meeting at 9 a.m. in Rome local time and then proceed to the office of President Sergio Mattarella to submit his formal resignation, according to a government statement.

The idea is that after presenting the resignation preemptively to Mattarella – who oversees the formation of government coalitions – Conte will be tasked with forming a new government, according to officials who have asked not to be identified as confidential information.

Conte is much more likely that Mattarella will give him another chance to form a government by stepping down before the Senate is defeated

he The Five Star Movement, the greatest force in the current parliament, and the legislators of Center-Left Democratic Party they had urged the prime minister to step down after a minor ally left the alliance, officials said.

The move was prompted by a Senate vote slated for later this week, which lacked sufficient support, prompting this latest tactic for Conte’s political survival. The five-star movement has sunk in the polls and he’s the one who will lose the most if the government collapses and Mattarella decides that an early election is inevitable.

After resisting pressure to resign following the defection earlier this month from the Italia Viva party led by former Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, Conte appears to have concluded that to resign now and return to the head of a “unity government” is his best option, officials said.

Conte could try to form a new coalition, perhaps this time with centrists, unaffiliated lawmakers, Renzi’s Italia Viva party or members thereof, as well as lawmakers from Silvio Berlusconi’s center-right party, Forza Italia, according to officials.


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