The Japanese, each time less sex: one in ten is still a virgin at 30 – 08/04/2019


Japan has a growing percentage of young virgin adults. The public health experts at the University of Tokyo have completed the most detailed badysis of data from the national fertility survey conducted so far to understand trends in the badual experience over the last three decades. And the results are convincing.

"Previous reports on virginity rates among Japanese young adults were a little sensational, they included only never-married people and did not distinguish virginity rates by age group," the report said. Dr. Peter Ueda, expert in epidemiology. and public health and responsible for the research project.

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The new badysis presented estimates for the entire Japanese population. He defined more clearly the age and socio-economic status of people who have bad and compared trends over time.

In the last 20 years, the lack of bad has increased in the population between 18 and 39 years old. For women, it went from 21.7% in 1992 to 24.6% in 2015. Among men, it went from 20% to 25.8%. When the numbers are divided into smaller age ranges, virginity rates tend to increase, even in adults over 30 years of age. In fact, one in thirty women is still a virgin.

Twenty years in Tokyo. One in 10 will remain virgin at 30 (AFP)

Twenty years in Tokyo. One in 10 will remain virgin at 30 (AFP)

Among those aged 30 to 34 in 1987, 6.2% of women and 8.8% of men reported no badual experience. In 2015, figures rose to 11.9% of women and 12.7% of men.

Men were more likely to have had bad if they had a full time permanent job and lived in cities of over a million residents. Compared with those with the highest incomes, men in the lowest income groups were 10 to 20 times more likely to have no badual experience.

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"Although the cause-and-effect discussion becomes very complex when considering who has a badual experience and who is still a virgin, we show that the lack of experience is, at least in part, a socio-economic problem for women. men. In short, the money speaks"said Cyrus Ghaznavi, author of the study.

Women were more likely to have bad if their personal income was lower, which researchers believe that married women are more likely to have bad and be housewives full time without pay.

Japanese taking a train at Shibuya Station in Tokyo. Study finds economic position influences bad life (Bloomberg)

Japanese taking a train at Shibuya Station in Tokyo. Study finds economic position influences bad life (Bloomberg)

Japanese adults have their first badual experiences later than their counterparts in other countries, and a significantly higher proportion remains without experience in its 30 years.

In comparable US surveys and in Australia, badual inexperience rates range from 1% to 5% for adults in about 30 years of age. Survey data from other high-income countries indicate that badual inactivity in young adults may be increasing. Japan could therefore be at the top of the "global trend for a growing number of people who do not have bad," they warn in this study.



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