The Japanese method of teaching saving up to 35% of salary per month: who created it and what’s the catch


How to save money it is a constant concern for most people. Currently, there are different methods and tools for those who want to manage their personal finances, but there is one that stands out because it promises to correct bad habits only with pencil and paper. This is the kakebo method – pronounced “kakibo” – which was developed in Japan over a century ago and is relatively easy to perform. The goal is not to spend less, but to know how to do it.

Its enthusiasts say it is the best mechanism for tracking your bills. More, claim it saves you stress at the end of the month and saves up to 35% of your salary. Just buy a laptop and learn how to use it.

The footsteps

  • Buy a notebook and save all tickets, Firstly. On the Internet, you can find some that are specially designed to apply this method.
  • Write down all the money that comes in per month. Not only the salary, but also the commissions, tips or even gifts.
  • Save all purchase tickets, regardless of the item. Ace you can see how the money flies.
  • Add information on each of the monthly expensess, whether it’s rental, utilities, internet, gym or garage.
  • Divide by categories: when all the banknotes are in order, they should be divided into four categories: survival (accommodation, transport, food and medical expenses), culture (books, concerts and films), optional (clothing, accessories, tobacco, restaurants, nightclubs), Supplements (unforeseen expenses).
  • Assign a different color to each type of expense.

The kabebo It was developed in 1904 by Hani Motoko, considered to be Japan’s first female journalist.. A few years ago, the writer Fumiko Chiba decided to compile the method in his book Kakebo: the Japanese art of saving money.

Chiba says in his book that Motoko qHe wanted to find a way for the wives to manage the finances of the family. It was a way of empowering women to use money efficiently.

Although Japan is a traditional culture in many ways, kakebo was a liberating tool for women, as it allowed them to control financial decisions“Writes Chiba in his book.

Proponents of this method say that the fact that it is a manual method makes it possible to be more aware of where the money is being spent.. Plus, it forces you to think about what the goals are to make saving more effective.


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