The Jesuit world superior commented on the situation in Venezuela – 24/02/2019


The world superior of the Jesuits, Venezuelan priest Arturo Sosa Abascal, has estimated that a negotiation for the exit of the crisis in Venezuela should allow the head of the regime, Nicolás Maduro, and his collaborators "Feel that you can take a step without losing your life".

"I think we need to be open to a negotiation that allows Maduro and the collaborating group to feel that they can take a step without risking their lives, without losing their lives," says Sosa Abascal to Clarin after attending the summit against abuse at the Vatican.

The Jesuit leader expressed confidence that "the end of politics leads to negotiations" in his country, but said that he did not know whether the Vatican was participating in reserved negotiations, as supposed.

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro will speak Saturday in front of thousands of supporters in Caracas (Venezuela) (EFE).

Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro will speak Saturday in front of thousands of supporters in Caracas (Venezuela) (EFE).

With regard to the recent opposition demonstrations, he said "be attentive to the fact that the popular movement thus created produces a peaceful means of achieving a more stable and legitimate political situation".

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Sosa Abascal He said that he was following the crisis "With a lot of pain because I know the suffering of people, especially those who have some kind of illness and are undergoing chronic treatment."

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"The situation is dramatic and a great deal of tension is waiting to see if it is possible to highlight this suffering and prevent other interests from overriding the attention of the victims. people, "he said.

Juan Guaidó will be speaking Saturday at Tienditas Bridge, on the border between Colombia and Venezuela (AFP).

Juan Guaidó will be speaking Saturday at Tienditas Bridge, on the border between Colombia and Venezuela (AFP).

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Regarding humanitarian aid, which was prevented Saturday by the regime, said his achievement was "a request from the Church for years". It is not yesterday and it is not only related to the political process. "

"We strongly hope that this opportunity is open and that people can receive some kind of help, at least some people, those who suffer from serious diseases," he said.

Finally, he stressed "The harmony" of Pope Francis and the Venezuelan church, a severe criticism of Maduro.


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