"The Jews were the most tormenting" | Catherine …


Venezuelan actress Catherine Fulop, a fervent critic of Chavism, spoke about the current situation in her country. To do this, she appealed to an anti-Semitic image: she compared those who support Nicolás Maduro to the sufferings of Jews in concentration camps.

"Why do you think Hitler survived because he did everything himself?" No, because the Jews were the worst, the most torturers in the concentration camps, the toads were the Jews themselves who had tortured their own people. the same thing happens in Venezuela. "It was his words on Radio Miter." With an aggravating factor: he said what he had said on May 2, International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Fulop, who used the word "toads" to refer to "kapos" (prisoners performing administrative duties in the fields), was to apologize for the widespread rejection that provoked their words. He did it by calling the Intruders program: "I apologize if you understood something you did not want to say, what I specify (…) is that it was not not the idea. " Offending people who have suffered so much I did not intend to hurt anyone. "

The reactions against him were unanimous and turned him into TT on Twitter. While the Holocaust Museum of Buenos Aires has expressed its repudiation on Twitter, musician, comedian and journalist Jorge Schussheim announced on Facebook that he had denounced the actress "in front of the DAIA for statements antisemites, let's see how long they will take to recognize if they accuse him "

Some of the tweets against Fulop are:


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