The joblessness of teachers is high despite compulsory conciliation


The measure is strongly felt in the province of Buenos Aires; the government of Maria Eugenia Vidal could apply severe economic sanctions

LA PLATA.- The education of unemployment is highly respected in the province of Buenos Aires despite the compulsory conciliation dictated to avoid the measure of force.

Maria Eugenia Vidal
could apply tomorrow fines of 350 to 700 million pesos to the Unified Union of Education Workers of the province of Buenos Aires (Suteba), which has not complied with the measure ordered by the Ministry of Labor last Friday. [19659005] In this way, the conflict between the union leader of Suteba,

Roberto Baradel
and the governor became more tense today after 12 days without clbades in this territory.

Suteba has 70,000 affiliates among the almost 300,000 teachers in this province. But, apparently for the high impact of the strike, other unions that signed to comply with the conciliation also joined the strike. Otherwise, the large number of schools where there were no normal clbades today is not explained, badyzes a source close to Vidal.

Unemployment was high in schools. During a visit of
LA NACION establishments in La Plata, Berisso, Ensenada, Berazategui and Florencio Varela found that none of the establishments worked regularly.

Most were totally unemployed, although the doors were open to the occasional income of teachers who, in the minority, attended clbades. The total absence of students was the common denominator of all establishments visited

According to the Directorate General of Culture and Education of the Province of Buenos Aires, the unemployment rate was the order of 40%

. "After investigating 9,838 schools across 135 district inspectorates and 1,770 area inspectors and more than 9,000 school principals, we registered 40% unemployment and 152 educational services were closed," reports the report. Gabriel's wallet. Sanchez Zinny

Tomorrow another day of strike is expected with the mobilization of the National Congress at the Ministry of Education promoted by Suteba.

In the Federation of Educators Porteños (FEB), Mirta Petrocini recalls that this conciliation is in force obligatory, the government has the obligation to sit down and negotiate with the teachers "without monologues nor impositions ".

L The FEB president explained why his federation respected the measure dissolved by Suteba, thus generating a break in the union labor front: "The institutional reality of each organization that integrates the Front is different and it is the same. that's why there were different positions ". 19659009] The FEB considered that if it does not comply, it jeopardizes the federation and more than 100 basic entities. Suteba will now be the recipient of the great economic fine that will rise to several million.

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