The journalist who recorded herself having sex while making a note about the reopening of a swingers club


Moans, hot phrases and a night of uncontrolled sex, which aired on the radio on a Monday at 8 a.m. Louise Fischer, reporter from Radio4 from Denmark, revolutionized the public with a warm blanket in the foreground.

Slowly, the pandemic is starting to recede in Europe. Stores are reopening without so many restrictions and the nightlife industry is back to normal. Among them are swingers dating clubs, in which couples share their lovers.

It went Louise, who wanted to show up close how the reopening of these centers is experienced and appreciated in which the passion has total freedom in Denmark. After a long season closed because of the Covid, the comeback has been intense and the columnist’s report surprised everyone.

Louise Fischer, journalist from Radio4 in Denmark, revolutionized the public.

Louise Fischer, journalist from Radio4 in Denmark, revolutionized the public.

It is because he put the body to show the secrets of a world that remains in the shadows. Listening to her having sex was a sensation, but her work in turn was highly regarded by her bosses and colleagues.

“It seems to me that it is very good that our journalists try to experience journalism in a different way”said Tina Kragelund, Radio 4’s program manager.

You can still do what your listeners expect, but also surprise them and give them new approaches and do it in a new way “, he explained to the Jyllands-Posten newspaper.

To avoid further conflicts, the report was preceded by a driver warning message, who clarified that during intercourse, sobs typical of the sexual act would be heard. Anyway, controversy was inevitable.

There have been complaints and criticisms, although the reporter explained that she did it to portray the privacy of these exclusive and very tight-fitting clubs, which they are kept almost hidden to avoid social condemnation.

“I took into account that the swinger environment is a very closed environment, and I also knew before coming that I would not get the full information. It should at least create some kind of trust and credibility between me and them. “

"I made considerations that the swinger environment is a very closed environment".

“I took into consideration that the swinger environment is a very closed environment.”

Louise explained that she is a very liberated woman, and that prior to the recordings, it was not clear whether he should have sex while visiting “Swingland” swingers club, located in the town of Ishøj. He would if he wanted to, and it “made sense.”

During her visit to the sex club, the journalist they explained, first, the rules of the establishment. Then the reporter asked the clients, while they were having sex, how did they feel to be able to return to the club, which is located on the outskirts of Copenhagen.

“When we met the interviewees at the swingers club, I told them I wanted to hear what they were doing, and then they offered to show what it’s like to be a swinger. ” The reporter decided to take the plunge and behave like another customer.

Louise joined the sexual encounter and there I decided to do the interview, while “everything” was happening.

“Can you describe what you are seeing right now?”, we hear him ask his sexual partner, in the middle of quite explicit sounds and salacious comments.

“Sex clubs are a taboo to reopen”, asserted the journalist and assured that her attitude allowed her to show the world what is happening there. “My own participation gives an idea of ​​a world of which we rarely have a complete vision”, defended.

What was the opinion of your bosses when you got the idea? “They thought it was cool and they had full confidence I just did what I wanted and I could make it up, ”she said.


She claimed that for the most part only received positive feedback for their partner exchange report. “Ordinary people wrote to me things like ‘great respect’, ‘brave’ and ‘good journalism’ on Instagram and Facebook.”

He also explained that She doesn’t think the other swingers would have agreed to ‘say the same’ if she’d interviewed them in a bar and without participating.

The return of sex clubs

Denmark eased restrictions imposed to fight coronavirus pandemic, and sex and debauchery clubs were able to reopen last Friday after being closed for several months.

With information from AFP.

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