The judge denounced the use of inclusive language in her sentences


In dialogue with MDZ Radio The magistrate explained the reason for her use of inclusive language, her opinion on the complaint and responded to the messages of our listeners. Listen to the full note while playing:

these people are embarrassed by trans, transvestite, female incidents "

What makes you use an inclusive language?

The debate on inclusive language has been brought to justice. I am a judge attached to social rights, Franciscan, I made equal marriages before the law, I recognized the identity of Florencia de la V. I mean, I have a career engaged in the field of human rights.

Our constitution is even old. We realize that there is an old paradigm, a binary paradigm. The weekend of the women's meeting aims to change this paradigm. What leads me to this decision to use an inclusive language, is to acknowledge a reality. When we say children, we include everyone. Do not leave anyone outside our language.

The magistrate told us that this is already part of many writings of men and women. "I'm waiting to talk to the plaintiff, I hope he speaks like a Spaniard, like Queen Leticia."

"Language echoes certain realities that these people are embarrassed: trans, transvestites, female incidents. The disadvantages are manifested by these attitudes in these types of complaints. Banal and stupid denial. I see no meaning and if the background of a person is trying to delay. "

Many entities have already formalized inclusive language qualification, such as the Faculty of Social Sciences of Buenos Aires.

The complainant also stated through social networks:

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