The jury for Peru’s national elections began to …


The National Election Jury (JNE) began on Wednesday to analyze the first 10 of the 202 requests for cancellation of ballot papers corresponding to the second presidential round in Peru. The ongoing legal proceedings which still did not allow the proclamation of the most voted candidate in the June 6 ballot, Pedro Castillo, will not prevent the transfer of government from taking place on the usual July 28 date. Castillo defeated right winger Keiko Fujimori by 44 240 votes among more than 17.6 million valid votes according to the control of the National Office of Electoral Processes (ONPE).

Fujimori’s campaign team insisted on “fraud” on Wednesday in the presidential elections, although the preliminary reports of the international electoral observation missions which verified the elections underlined the transparency and the impartiality of the JNE and the ONPE. same The United States has called the vote in Peru a “model of democracy”..

The JNE will gradually consider Fujimori’s challenges and appeals, and has no definite term to proclaim the winner. In dialogue with Télam, political scientist and former head of the ONPE, Fernando Tuesta, assured that the JNE is the “last and last instance” for the resolution of objections to the records of the votes and underlined that, for this reason, “After that, no recourse is possible, it’s closed over there” the electoral process. “There has been no case since the end of the last military government over 40 years ago” where the elected president has not been proclaimed on time, Tuesta said.

Thus, for the electoral expert “There is no risk of not reaching July 28” with the proclamation of the president-elect, that everything indicates that it will be the leftist unionist Pedro Castillo. It should be mentioned as an example that in 2016 Pedro Pablo Kuczynski was not declared the winner until July 28, while the presidential second round took place on June 5 and Keiko Fujimori was also narrowly defeated. .

The delay in the proclamation of the elected president led the lawmaker Javier mendoza, of the Union for Peru party, to present to Congress a draft reform of the organic law on elections on Tuesday in order to set a deadline for the JNE to proclaim the winner of future elections. The Mendoza initiative envisages “A period of seven calendar days at most from the day after the date of the elections” for the JNE to proclaim the elected formula of the president and vice-presidents.

While awaiting the JNE’s analysis, Fujimori continues to stir up the specter of fraud without a single concrete proof. Lourdes Flores, from the Fuerza Popular team, assured at a press conference: “We demonstrate strange behavior of the same spelling repeated in different regions. We demonstrate statistical anomalies.”. Flores stressed that the Fujimori team presented to JNE “the first ten expert reports accompanying the appeals and demonstrating the existence of false signatures”.

During, Observers from the Organization of American States (OAS) said the Peruvian elections were clean and free of “serious irregularities”. And the spokesperson for the US State Department, Ned Prizesaid in a statement that Peruvian elections “are a model of democracy in the region” for the “safe way” in which they conducted “free, fair, accessible and peaceful elections”.


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