The Justice of Buenos Aires has decided to transfer Orangutan Sandra to the United States | Chronic


L & # 39; orangutana Sandrabecame famous in 2014 for being the first "non-human person" recognized by the Argentine justice, will be transferred at the end of September, by air, to the United States for its well-being according to its quality of "To be sensitive"The judge announced this Friday Elena Liberatori

In his sentence, the magistrate in charge of the administrative and fiscal litigation of the city of Buenos Aires ordered the government of Buenos Aires to guarantee the animal "the greatest possible well-being ".

"We are in the final phase. All that remains is for the Buenos Aires government to fix the final date. The corresponding certificates for the transfer are already in place, from the Argentine and American authorities, and Sandra is trained for the trip."he said Andrés Gil Dominguez, animal lawyer.

Liberatori emphasized in its decision that "with the collaboration of professionals and completed the relevant procedural steps" the orangutana "must be moved " at the Great Apes Center, located in the state of Florida, United States.

"Previously, Sandra would be quarantined at the Dallas Zoo in the United States, then she would be transferred to her Florida home.", the lawyer said.

The judge instructed the authorities of the Ecoparque (former zoo of the city of Buenos Aires) to initiate administrative, legal and sanitary procedures for the transfer of the animal.

These papers "they are in the last stage since the necessary sanitary controls and international procedures have been completed", reported the court.

Once the exact date has been set, the 33-year-old orangutan "She will be traveling alone and will be welcomed by professionals in the US She is doing very well, active and smiling", Gil Dominguez pointed out.

The Liberals thanked, in the dialogue with iJudicial, "the valuable" collaboration provided by the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), Nélida Gómez; the professor of UBA and the National University of La Plata, Hector Ricardo Ferrari; and the primatologist Aldo Giúdice.

International experts have also been involved in this process: the professor at Curtin University Western Australia and the CEO of the Orangutan Project (Australian charity), Leif Cocks; the president of the Orang Utan Republik Foundation and the vice-president of the Orangutan International Foundation, Gary Shapiro; and the Canadian teacher and journalist, Shawn Thompson.

Sandra has been recognized as "non-human person ", "subject of law" and "To be sensitive", category recognized by the French Civil Code in January 2015 and confirmed by the Administrative and Tax Litigation Chamber of the City of Buenos Aires in June 2016.


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