The keys to the economy that Alberto intends to implement when he wins the elections


He also mentioned the need for exchange regulations and a reformulation of the agreement with the IMF to "get some degree of freedom". On negotiations with the Fund, he said that they would try to "coordinate the objectives". "Today, we have an agreement and we must necessarily discuss some things, it is not that we are going to do what we want, but there must be a negotiation," he said. declared.

"We will seek a greater degree of freedom under the current agreement.We understand that we will have the popular mandate of the votes that authorizes us and oblige us to renegotiate the agreement with the IMF. a renegotiation of everything: payments, conditions, See how we can do from a realistic reading of Argentina's economy and politics, "he said.

On the most vulnerable sectors affected by the water crisis, Mr Nielsen said that it was "necessary to think that a significant part of the population can not pay for public services". "We have to keep in mind that half of the young people are poor, which is the biggest obligation to solve," he said.

Regarding the exchange rate policy, he said "there will undoubtedly be some changes", although he did not specify what they would be. On the price and salary pact, he said that "a social agreement will be proposed to reduce inflation as soon as possible, similar to what has been done in Spain in the 70s with the pact of the Moncloa ". In the same vein, Nielsen said that it was necessary that the real interest rate be just above inflation.

"It will be necessary that the dollars from exports enter the market within six, eight or twelve months, we do not know it well, but they will have to be liquidated.It will not be possible for years to liquidate the dollars of This creates a situation of instability in the foreign exchange market that we must avoid.You can not take the holdbacks overnight.This is not viable. "

Finally, he mentioned the period that will inspire the economic team of Alberto Fernández in case he is elected: "It is necessary to take as a reference what we were between 2003 and 2006. You will find the type We will also take the social policy proposed by Cristina in both terms. "


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