The King of Spain was received in Congress by Argentine legislators – Telam


The king arrived a few minutes after the 16th in Congress and went to the precincts of the Chamber of Deputies accompanied by the provisional president of the Senate, Federico Pinedo; and Emilio Monzó, chief of the lower house.

After signing the visiting books, Felipe VI went to the Lost March Hall of Fame, where he met with Cambiemos lawmakers and Peronists with whom he briefly discussed.

Then, the king, Monzó and Pinedo held a meeting in the hall of honor of the presidency of deputies, to which a few minutes later joined the pro-government deputies Pablo Tonelli and Cornelia Schmidt Lierrmann (chairman of the relations committee Members' Deputies). ; the leaders of Front Renovador, Graciela Camaño and the Victory Front, Agustín Rossi.

Martin Lousteau, Radical Evolution MP, also attended the meeting. and Julio Cobos, Chair of the Senate External Relations Commission.

Without making a declaration, 45 minutes after his entry into Congress, the King of Spain withdrew from the building to go to the courthouse where he will meet with members of the Supreme Court.


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