The kings of Spain arrive Sunday at the state visit and at the congress of the language – 03/22/2019


With the arrival of King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia in the country, on the night of Sunday, April 24, a circle will close in open relations between Spain and Argentina with the arrival in power of Mauricio Macri at the end of 2015.

In these more than three years, all possible bilateral visits have been made after Madrid and Buenos Aires decided to turn the page and leave behind the clashes between the Kirchner and the Spanish executive, which peaked at the time of the expropriation of Repsol 's. YPF, for which the country had to pay 6 000 million dollars.

King Philip VI and Queen Letizia President act

King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia preside the event "Meeting with science in Spain". Photo: EFE / Chema Moya

Clarin Bulletins

What you need to know today | The most important news of the day to read in ten minutes

What you need to know today | The most important news of the day to read in ten minutes

Monday to Friday morning.

Between Monday 25 and Tuesday 26 evening, Felipe Juan Pablo Alfonso of Todos los Santos de Bourbon and Grecia, as his secular name, will make a state visit to the country.

The 27 will travel to Cordoba to inaugurate with the Macri and the governor Juan Schiaretti the VIII International Congress of the Spanish language.

The state visit corresponds to that made by Macri in February 2017 in Madrid. A journey that marked the pulse of time. Felipe and Letizia opened the Palacio Real and modified the protocol to welcome Macri and first lady Juliana Awada with great fanfare. The president arrived with an important political and political mission. Spain has opened arms.

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Today, while Argentina is in crisis and the Spanish businessmen point out that inflation and interest rates are their main problems when they do business here, Spain, the second largest investor in country, still on the medium and long term. they say.

Upon arriving at the government, Macri had the power of Spain's friend Mariano Rajoy, leader of the Popular Party, "destituido" by a motion of censure promoted by the current head of government, the Socialist Pedro Sanchez. Despite the cold relationship between Sánchez and Macri, both showed pragmatism at the G20 summit.

The summary of the voluminous agenda of the kings of Argentina indicates that they will be received Sunday at Aeroparque by Chancellor Jorge Faurie and ambbadadors Ramón Puerta and Javier Sandomingo. On Monday, they will lay a wreath on Plaza San Martín. And at 11 o'clock, they will go to Casa Rosada for the meeting with Macri and Awada. Then there will be a long meeting and at noon, the presidential couple will entertain the monarch with a lunch alone in Olivos. Around 16, the king will be at the National Congress with the presidents of both chambers. Then with the authorities of the Supreme Court. Macri will entertain you again with a dinner with more than 200 guests at the CCK.

On Tuesday, kings will begin to hear the approach of entrepreneurs of large companies Hispanic Argentineans in this country. This will be at a chosen breakfast at Palacio San Martín. Then, in the Telefónica building, they will participate in the entrepreneurs' meeting organized by the COTEC Foundation. Letizia will have her own agenda and with Awada. At dusk and before leaving for Córdoba, after seeing the Spanish community and attending a reception at the Four Seasons.

On Wednesday 27, Felipe VI inaugurated the VIIIth Language Congress with a speech on the 500 years of the return to the world of Elcano and Spain linked to the entire Ibero-American continent. He will participate in several activities. And we will see him again in Córdoba with Macri before returning to Madrid.


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