The kings of Spain arrived in the country and had to wait almost an hour to get off the plane because there were no stairs.


They were able to descend to 22 Credit: Twitter @ FMMAS935

The kings of



Felipe VI



they arrived in Argentina around 9 pm Anyway, because of an error Aeroparque, they had to wait almost an hour on the plane, for lack of a sufficient scale to allow them to go down.

The kings traveled in an official plane, an Airbus A-310 from the Spanish Air Force. Once they were able to descend, around 22 years old, they were received by Chancellor Jorge Faurie, ambbadadors Ramón Puerta and Javier Sandomingo and the Grenadier regiment of San Martín.

The travel diary

During the state visit, kings will participate in various activities with President Mauricio Macri and will inaugurate in the city of Córdoba the VIIIth International Congress of the Spanish Language (CILE). According to diplomatic sources, this state visit would be the counterpart of the one that Macri made in Spain in 2017.

Felipe VI and his wife, Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano, have arrived tonight, but the official agenda will begin tomorrow and will continue until Wednesday, March 27, when they will travel to Córdoba to inaugurate the CILE , with Macri and the local governor, Juan Schiaretti. Your agenda in the country will be intense and varied.

It will start tomorrow at 10:30, when they will lay a wreath in front of the statue of General San Martín, on Retiro Square, a few meters from the Chancery, after which they will share a lunch with President Macri and his colleagues. his wife, Juliana Awada, at Casa Rosada. In the afternoon, kings will travel at 4 pm to Congress to meet with the parliamentary authorities. At age 17, they will also proceed to the Supreme Court of Justice, according to the agenda until here managed by diplomatic sources. Meanwhile, in the evening, they will participate in a gala dinner organized by the Argentine government at the CCK.

On Tuesday, King Felipe VI will share a working breakfast with Argentinian and Spanish businessmen at 9.00 am at 9.00 am, another working meeting organized by the Cotec Foundation (dedicated to Innovation), at the headquarters of the Spanish company Telefónica. Then, at age 13, in La Rural, kings will lead a mbadive meeting with the Spanish community.

In the evening, Felipe VI will offer – as is customary during these visits – a dinner for the Argentine authorities in the restaurant of a famous five-star hotel in Buenos Aires, then will go to Córdoba to inaugurate next to Macri the eighth International Congress of the Spanish Language (CILE), to be held from 27 to 30 March. On this occasion, the theme of the event will be "America and the Future of Spanish: Culture and Education, Technology and Entrepreneurship".

With information from Telam


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