The kings of Spain will arrive in the country today


The royal family, in the Copa del Rey, last year Source: Archives – Credit: AFP

Felipe and Letizia will go to the Language Congress; meeting with Macri

MADRID.- The arrival of the kings of






, who will arrive tonight in Argentina during a state visit to Argentina, will be a strong advocate for economic openness and institution building. Spain is the second largest investor and both countries maintain a "strategic alliance".

It will also be the last gesture of rapprochement before Argentina decides its future.

October Elections

. A process which, in Spain, is followed with great attention and with the hope that "the rest of the efforts made during these years will not be lost".

"The tour will serve to reflect at the highest level the excellence and the intensity of bilateral relations between Spain and Argentina," said Chancellor Josep Borrell, who will accompany kings in their journey. In addition, it will ratify "the commitment to continue to deepen and diversify" this link, added the head of the Spanish diplomacy.

Initially planned for the inauguration of the International Congress of Languages, which will open Wednesday in Córdoba, at the request of


The tour has added the previous two days as a state tour.

King Felipe will hold meetings with authorities, legislators and businessmen. On Tuesday will participate in the San Martin Palace a breakfast of "High Level on Business Opportunities between Argentina and Spain", with President Macri and the men of Africa. business of both countries.

The Queen will have a parallel agenda, which includes a meeting with First Lady Juliana Awada on support for the fight against rare diseases. A problem with which Letizia feels engaged.

The gestural support of Spain was intense during the Macri presidency, which visited Madrid in February 2017. On this occasion, King Felipe openly praised his efforts to regain the course of the country and stressed "the enormous interest" with which Spain followed the "transformation process" thanks to the measures adopted by the president. The climate of delusion and optimism that prevailed gave rise to some concern about the economic challenges ahead.

Shortly after, in April 2018,

Mariano Rajoy

He went to Buenos Aires and encouraged the businessmen of the peninsula to redouble their means. Most recently, Vice President Gabriela Michetti was in this city.


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