The kings of Spain will travel to Argentina and will inaugurate with Macri the Congress of the language – Telam


Felipe VI and his wife Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano will arrive in a little over a week in Argentina for a state visit to participate in various activities with President Mauricio Macri and to inaugurate the VIII International Congress of the Spanish language (CILE) in the city of Córdoba.

Kings will arrive on Sunday, March 24th, but the official agenda will begin on Monday the 25th and will continue until Wednesday the 27th, when they will travel to Cordoba to inaugurate the CILE with Macri and Governor Juan Schiaretti. .

"They come in state visit, after the president did the same in 2017 and that his trip coincides with the inauguration of the International Congress of Languages, an event of great importance to the world of literature and writing, "said the Chancellor. Jorge Faurie in front of a consultation of Telam.

L & # 39; s calendar

Official sources have revealed to this agency that the agenda of the kings of the country would be intense and varied.

The day will begin with a floral offering in front of the statue of General San Martín in Retiro Square, Buenos Aires, a few meters from the Chancery. They will then share a lunch with President Macri and his wife, Juliana Awada.

In the afternoon, the kings will travel to Congress to meet with MPs and Senators and participate in a gala dinner at the CCK, organized in their honor by the Argentine government.

There will be forums and business tours with about twenty Spanish and Argentinean businessmen. The kings will also organize several activities with the Spanish community, including a meeting in La Rural with more than a thousand participants.

In the evening, the king will offer – as is customary during these visits – a dinner for the Argentine authorities in the restaurant of a five-star hotel known in Buenos Aires, then flight to Córdoba to inaugurate with Macri the VIII Congress Spanish Language Conference (CILE), which will be held from 27 to 30 March.


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