The knife stabbed Bolsonaro will be exhibited in a museum | Chronic


The knife with which a man stabbed last year the President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, will be exhibited in a museum after a judge has considered it an object of "relevant historical value"reported the international press on Wednesday.

It was resolved by the magistrate Bruno Savino, of Juiz de Fora, the city where Bolsonaro was stabbed on September 6, 2018, during the campaign for the elections in which he was consecrated.

Savino emphasized the "relevant historical value of the knife used in the attack" and "the interest of its conservation in favor of the recent political history of the country"reported the EFE news agency.

The knife that was used for the attack.

The weapon will be displayed at the National Police Academy Museum, Brasilia, on a date not yet determined.

Adélio Bispo41, stabbed Bolsonaro in the abdomen while he was carried on the shoulders by several protesters in Juiz de Fora, in the state of Minas Gerais.

READ ALSO: Bolsonaro's son went to visit him "enraged" and a scandal broke out

The perpetrator was arrested immediately and later declared flawless because of his mental health condition.

For the attack, Bolsonaro underwent four surgeries last Sunday.


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