The Labor Union fined Hugo Moyano $ 800 million for ignoring compulsory conciliation


The measurement of this Thursday has already been reported to the National Federation of Cargo Truckers, Logistics and Motor Transport Services headed by Hugo Moyano, reported the site á [19659002"TheMinistryissuedconciliationveedoresweresentand it was repeatedly found that they failed to comply ," they explained on the site Clarín But Pablo Moyano said that "there is something political" behind the fine of work

"They are fined as a result of some bademblies that we had supposedly conducted in all the companies in December The bonus … It does not make sense, "he says to C5N Moyano's eldest son

" Of course we're going to resort to the justice, it may take time but we have already declared ourselves on the alert and mobilization, "explained" We will not allow the attack to the union for not having signed the labor reform ", shooting.

The sum was calculated multiplying half the living and moving minimum wage of each affected worker ($ 4430) by the number of affiliates to the Truckers' Guild, which is 182,797 people .

The total is $ 809,790,710 and the options for truckers are: or pay fine and then appeal or not pay and work may badyze the option of seizing the union.

But the fine for the union led by Moyano could increase as it joined the strike on June 25, at the request of the CGT to protest against the 27% increase in parities when governed an obligatory conciliation measure dated June 5 .

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