the last and only foreign scientist to work in Wuhan broke the silence


“It wasn’t boring, but it was a regular lab that functioned the same as any other high-containment lab. What people say is not how it is “, the specialist commented to the agency Bloomberg, in reference to the rumors that have circulated since the start of the pandemic in this city.

Anderson was working in Wuhan on the date experts believe the virus, now known as SARS-CoV-2, began to spread. In fact, she was part of a group that met every day at the Chinese Academy of Sciences to catch a bus that took them to the institute about 25 kilometers away.

The specialist assured that no one she had met in Wuhan had the coronavirus at the end of 2019, and said: “If people had been sick, I guess I would have been, and they weren’t. I was tested for the coronavirus in Singapore before getting the vaccine and had never had it.

Experts from the World Health Organization gained access to the Wuhan Institute of Virology when they visited in February this year. Many of Anderson’s Wuhan associates traveled to Singapore in late December for a meeting on the Nipah virus.

“From my point of view, there was nothing strange back then that made you think there was something going on here”, Indian.

Despite this position, Anderson commented that if presented with evidence that there had been some sort of accident that caused the coronavirus, she would change her mind and noted, “I am not naive to say that I ‘absolutely excluded that. “

What else do we know about the origin of Covid-19

The latest is that an American researcher assured that by searching for files stored in Google’s cloud, he had managed to recover up to 13 sequences of the virus which had mysteriously disappeared from the database last year. .

About a year ago, the genetic sequences of more than 200 virus samples from the first cases of Covid-19 in Wuhan disappeared from an internet scientific database, the newspaper reported. The New York Times.

Now, by connecting files stored in the cloud, a specialist has managed to retrieve these original footage, adding data to discern when and how the virus may have spread from a bat or other animal to it. man.

The new analysis was released on Tuesday and strengthens theories that a variety of coronavirus may have circulated in Wuhan before the first outbreaks linked to animal and seafood markets in December 2019.

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