The last sentence of Pope John Paul II before his death and its tortuous ending


Pope John Paul II was Head of the Catholic Church and Sovereign of the City of Vatican from 1978 until his death in 2005 at age 84. Paul II, he was elected Dad by the Second Papal Conclave of 1978, which received the name of Juan Pablo I. His real name at birth was Karol Józef Wojtyła since he was of Polish origin.

A Juan Pablo II he is credited with helping to end the communist regime in his native Poland and the rest of Europe. Among his most important actions, we note that he tried to improve the relations of the Catholic Church with Judaism, Islam and the Eastern Orthodox Church. In addition, the Dad he defended the teachings of the Church on issues such as the ordination of women and celibate clergy, and although he supported the reforms of Vatican II, he was considered generally conservative in his interpretation.

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