The last words of a famous British anti-vaccine rapper who died of Covid: “I was ignorant” | the Chronicle


british musician Marcus Birks at age 40 due to Covid in a hospital in the town of Stoke-on-Trent, although what is striking about his story is that he became famous for his proclamations against vaccines, which he reconsidered only once that he was in a very serious situation because of the virus, since he maintained “I was ignorant” before dying.

The phrase took place in an interview with the BBC when he launched his last message to reconsider those who are still against the vaccination against coronavirus, as it had been. “If you are not sick you never think you will get sick. So listen to me. Feeling that you cannot breathe is the most terrifying feeling in the world. The first thing I want to say to my family and to the rest of the world is that they should get vaccinated. ” Birks argued.

The singer of the duo The Chameleonz He had been admitted to the Royal Stoke University Hospital since last August, when he contracted the coronavirus which he had denied until then. As the days go by his condition worsened until it became irreversible, moment when he gave the interview which served as a platform to demonstrate his change of opinion.

After hearing the terrible news, his wife wanted to share a message on social networks. “My husband, my best friend, my soul mate, Marcus passed away yesterday morning. We have been together for more than half of my life, since I was 16 and married for 10 years, and I loved him and worshiped completely. for the full 17 years “, said his wife in the profile of Birks.

The moving message of his wife on the networks (Facebook).

“I promised him that every day I will tell our son how much I love him, how special he is and that he would have been the best father a son could have”, his wife added to fire him, who is also pregnant.


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