the latest poll gives Evo Morales a winner


The President of Bolivia, Evo Morales, for his fourth term next Sunday, when elections will be held in this country. According to various surveys published in recent hours, it would be taxed during a first round and also during a possible ballot.

There have been several studies that have met in recent days, all gave different scenarios but still with a winning Morales. according to IPSOS, the official socialist movement (MAS) lbequeathed to 40% of the votes, with a large advantage over his opponent, the journalist Carlos Mesa of the Citizen Community (CC) alliance, with the 22%

According to the Bolivian electoral system, to win in the first round, you must exceed 50% of the vote or get a floor of 40% and a gap of 10% before the second. Therefore, with the IPSOS numbers, Morales would be reelected at first.

Despite this panorama, the consultant also consulted on the citizens' vote in a hypothetical second round, in which Evo would also be taxed at 47% against 39% of Mesa.

Another known investigation is that of the company CiesMori. In that case, Morales was ranked first with 36.2% of the voting intentions against 26.9% of its main opponent, which would push for the vote not exceeding 40 percentage points, according to Uruguay's El País.

Meanwhile, page 12 showed an investigation into Via science, spread by the Unitel Networkwhich reflected to an Evo – arrived at the government on January 22, 2006 – with 38.8% of the electoral preferences, against 28.4% for Mesa. In this scenario, there would also be a vote although Morales is about to exceed the 40% threshold.

Next Thursday will begin the ban that prevents political parties from launching open calls to get more votes before the Sunday elections.


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