The latest theory on whether O. J. Simpson is guilty of murdering his ex-wife


Joshua Newton, director of a new movie about OJ Simpson says it's going to reveal who actually killed the ex-wife of the American football star and prove that he was the victim of A plot to convince him of the crime. The British writer and director of Nicole and O.J., Joshua Newton, spent 18 months reviewing court documents, witness testimony and testimony to reconstruct what really happened in 1994 when Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ron Goldman were found dead at home in Los Angeles. Simpson was acquitted of the murder of his ex-wife, but the shadow of doubt has always accompanied him.

In 1995, Simpson played in the call judgment of the century a process that has marked a new era on television and reopened the false sore of racism in the United States. The reading of the verdict was seen on television by more than 150 million viewers. History has become the plot of the series American Crime Story: The People vs. O. J. Simpson and in the documentary O. J .: Made in America. The conviction was perceived as a decision influenced by the jury's willingness to acquit a black man against a large amount of evidence seriously compromising the accused's version. After a tainted trial of irregularities that acquitted him, in 1997, he was forced to repair the heirs of the victims.

Trial for homicide at O.j. Simpson in 1995. Reuters.
Trial for homicide at O.j. Simpson in 1995. Reuters.

Newton argues that Nicole and O.J. it will reveal the circumstances that led to the murders and why and how Nicole and Ron died, as well as the concealment that followed. The film stars emerging British actress Charlotte Kirk, who plays Nicole, and German actor Boris Kodjoe in the role of O.J.

Simpson lived the following years on a dubious ridge of the wave. He has ceased to have known income. He even saw how a judge seized those whom he had received for signing autographs to pay his debt to justice. Simpson has fainted in anonymity. Needing recognition – and no cash – he wrote a book for sale during Christmas 2006, which never reached the bookstores, as thousands of copies left the printing press and found themselves in the incinerator. News Corporation, of tycoon Rupert Murdoch, decided to go back and remove the volume in which the athlete was telling the crime of which he had been acquitted. The owner left no room for doubt and was insulting and cruel to the relatives of the victims. If I had committed it, that's how it happened.

The case continues to divide the opinion and remains a hot topic of conversation. The film will be released next year to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the conclusion of the media trial. "All these years later, the world is still fascinated by the business," he said. the director who claims that the murder of Nicole and Goldman was not premeditated, while also illustrating how public hatred played against O.J.. "The media relied on the help of prosecutors who used unethical methods to convince the public of their guilt, knowing that their evidence could not convince the jury," adds Newton.

The victims of the case, Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman. AP.
The victims of the case, Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman. AP.

"OJ was lucky enough to be able to pay a brilliant team of defense lawyers to challenge a system of prosecutors more keen to win than justice, but what about the innumerable defendants who are innocent and who do not have money? it's not an acquittal, it's a life sentence or even the death penalty. "said the director of this new movie about the case.

Newton added that, even though his film was supported by many tests, he had decided to take a satirical approach to telling the story. "Things I've found sometimes are not at all ridiculous, otherwise, how could I try that?" Much of the film was shot in Bulgaria, where Newton and his team recreated in detail the Los Angeles homes of O.J. Simpson and Nicole.


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