The law on euthanasia has already entered into force in Spain


The law authorizing euthanasia entered into force this Friday in Spain. This is why this country becomes one of the few in the world to allow a patient suffering from an incurable disease to die, to put an end to his suffering.

The law “Responds to the existing social demand around this question” and it contains “guarantees” to limit the use of euthanasia, the health ministry said of the law, approved in March by parliament.

The law allows both euthanasia – when the medical team causes the death of the patient – like medically assisted suicide, that is, when the patient takes the dose of the product prescribed to end his or her life.

The text provides that anyone suffering from a “serious and incurable” disease, or suffering from crippling chronic pain, may seek medical assistance to die and avoid “intolerable suffering”.

The person requesting the procedure must be able and “aware” when making the request, which must be formulated in writing and “without external pressure”, and renewed fifteen days later.

The doctor can reject the request, if he considers that the criteria are not met., or make a conscientious objection, AFP reported.

The request must be approved by another physician and receive the approval of an evaluation committee.

Based on these regulations, Spain is the fourth country in the world to decriminalize euthanasia, after the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg.

The Catholic Church and the conservative parties opposed the measure. The Popular Party, the main opposition to the leftist government of Pedro Sanchez, presented this Thursday an appeal against the law before the Constitutional Court.

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