The lawyer Cristina, against Feinmann for criticizing Florencia: "You're really sorry"


Gregorio Dalbón responded to the journalist's statements and said: "Maybe you are sick of hate but I will not make fun of your illness"

After learning about Cristina Kirchner's trip to Cuba to accompany her daughter Florencia, suffering from lymphoedema and unable to travel, journalist Eduardo Feinmann published a solid editorial. This earned him a stern response from Gregorio Dalbón, one of the former president's attorneys.

"According to the mother, Florencia became ill because of the judicial persecution and because she was the daughter of Néstor and Cristina," said the driver of the A24.

And immediately exploded: "False! If you have a prejudice to your health, it is because she was partner, with shares, in one of the companies in which money had been laundered, then she was a director and was receiving her salary and participating in another company, also a money washer. "

Feinmann then added, "It gives me the feeling that what is detrimental to Ms. Florencia Kirchner's state of health is called "non-fueros" syndrome or "presus cagasus". I think it has more to do with it than with anything else. "

The reaction of Dalbón, who had already had important discussions with Feinmann, did not wait.

Through his Twitter account, the lawyer sent a strong message to Eduardo Feinmann.

"I understand your work and your retrograde thinking. Mocking the illness of Cristina's daughter is very sad and unhappy. You're really sorry. You do not know what you do. Life is Beautiful. Maybe you're sick of hate but I'm not going to make fun of your illness. I'm not so unhappy, "he said.

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