The lawyer Florencia Kirchner presented the medical history and asked to be allowed to stay in Cuba.


April 8, 2019
– 16:04

Carlos Beraldi, is presented this afternoon at the request of the Federal Oral Court 5 with all the requested documents.

The lawyer of Florencia Kirchner, Carlos Beraldi, was presented this afternoon at the request of the Federal Court 5, who postpones the cause The willows, and submitted the complete health report of the accused.

The deadline for Florence's appearance before the court, dealt with in this investigation, has expired on Monday and, at the latest, during the first two hours of Tuesday's judicial activity. For this reason, the judges in charge of the oral proceedings summoned their lawyer before the federal courts of Retiro.

But, in addition, Judges José Martínez Sobrino, Daniel Obligado and Fabiana Paliotti had arranged for the lawyer give the complete medical history and a notification of the domicile that the defendant has in Cuba, which has not yet taken place.


They quoted Florencia Kirchner's lawyer to explain why he had not provided any documentation

In this context, Beraldi came up with all the required documentation, which confirms the health status of the daughter of the former president. Cristina Kirchner. Among the papers, he joined a report signed by three health professionals, which shows the need to stay in Cuba until the end of medical treatment.

The lawyer in turn waits for Florence's permission to remain in the Central American country until he gets his medical leave, without a specific date, knowing that there is no specific date for the oral proceedings.


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