The least evil | Political panorama


In a brutal manner, the Brazilian right-wing president expressed his support for his Argentine colleague: "Maybe the opposition (for Kirchnerism) could come back in a short time and we are worried because we do not want another Venezuela in South America ". But for Jair Bolsonaro, Argentina does not care about the horn. After the card, he explained what is happening here: "Argentina has made a series of reforms, but half of them, and that is why Macri has problems because the problems accumulate ". What Bolsonaro meant was that Macri could not implement a deep pension reform, as he wanted in Brazil, and used the Argentine example as a cuckoo to support him in his crusade against the retired Brazilian. Among the oxen, there are no gorings, with the exception of this clbad of animals.

This brutal reaction of Bolsonaro was the only response to the government's request for international aid on Black Thursday, when all the indices were slaughtered, starting with the dollar, then by the interest rates, then by the country risk. exceeding the red line of a thousand points. and the value of Wall Street's Argentine shares has fallen with millionaire losses for companies.

Casa Rosada knows that they will not give him a peso, he needed a little bit of love. But not even that. He wanted to give two words to show, to say that the growth of Cristina Kirchner in the polls had led to disaster. But the markets are unshakeable and the loneliness of the government that boasts of "inserting" Argentina into the world was pathetic.

The first part of what Bolsonaro said was made at the request of the Argentine government. The second, when he stated that this had happened in Macri because he had not implemented the reforms that he was supposed to perform, had been inspired by the major operators of Wall Street. Macri was already excluded by these market forces.

Bolsonaro is the great beast of liberalism. He has just announced that he will close the faculties of sociology and philosophy, because they are careers that do not help people and do not have work. Because of its extreme free market approach, it is not a partner, a neighbor or an ally: it is the model of the South American way, the strongest.

On Thursday, the official media reported on the famous replacement plan, Plan V, by María Eugenia Vidal. These media and their most famous operators could not hide the confusion that made them see in the light of the disorder they systematically concealed.

"Macri loses with everyone according to polls." "Vidal can win but it's not a guarantee." "But if they kidnap Vidal, they will lose the province of Buenos Aires." "With Macri, there is no way out." It is the hype in the official media that until yesterday paid tribute to the presidential personality.

Already without resources to cover the reality, the media have caught fire with the cataclysm indices of the economy. And at the same time began a cabinet meeting which, later, was no longer, but "with some ministers" and to which Macri did not participate. The president only intervened "to bring tranquility," said one "impartial" commentator.

The catastrophic climate lived with the hyper and with the release of the corralito was reiterated in society. Bank retirees buy a few dollars, empty stores, miserable people, depressed feelings and disillusionment, reflecting on wages and pensions that dissolve, dreams lost and for many, the hunger and fate of their children, the volatility of work.

A strong announcement "that calmed the markets" was expected. The journalists were thrown on those who left the Rosada. And we have heard some compromise responses: "We talked about the economic situation in general, but nothing in particular is the volatility of the markets that was expected for this time," said Minister Gerán Garavano.

The obvious question remained unanswered: if it was planned, why did not they do anything? Nothing has happened. Neither measures nor changes in the cabinet. All the destructive impact has been absorbed by the customers of household accounts, by the increasingly laborious purchases of food and medicines, in the agony of a worse future.

The government has not shown sensitivity to badume the material effects of the crisis and has focused exclusively on electoral effects. Spokespersons have not made any economic announcements and have not even shown the intention to bring peace of mind. They limited themselves to the announcements of candidatures. "The team is Horacio Rodríguez Larreta at CABA, Vidal in the province and Macri in reelection."

Everyone is afraid to confirm that Mauricio Macri will be the candidate. They said the market reaction came from Cristina Kirchner's fear. But this Macri will win the elections. They provoked the crisis and instead of baduming it, they relinquished the responsibility of others and tried to take advantage of it with an electoral sense.

The only thing that stands out clearly from this bombardment in the economy is that the biggest person responsible for the attack will be the candidate. Change is condemned to Mauricio Macri. Assuming that with this confirmation, the markets regain calm and also badume that when Cristina Kirchner will be installed as an opposing candidate, the fall of Macri's image will be halted.

They can mean many things, but when they measure the weather, the arguments fall. In an interview with the Bloomberg agency, Durán Barba contributed. He said that in the championship of the bad guys, they were the least bad. The moment and who said that he hinted that this idea will be the axis of the macrismo campaign to recover the disenchanted: "We are the least evil."

As the country sank into a pursuit that pursued him as a biblical curse, falling after a relapse, with Alsogaray, with Martinez de Hoz, with Domingo Cavallo and now with Macri, sinking, drowning, drawing lots, the Monetary Fund announced the sending of a new mission. .

From the opposition there was an unexpected movement. It was a stealth operation with several jurors in silence. Even workers who participated in the edition could not do it with their cell phones to avoid photographs or leaks.

Sincerely, Cristina Kirchner's book has aroused an unusual expectation even among her detractors, at this point lost in the fuzzy policy of the government. Before leaving for bookstores, the first edition of more than 20,000 copies had already been exhausted. On arrival at the gondolas, the second edition was already exhausted and Friday a third edition of 40 000 copies had already been announced.

The price of around 600 pesos is not available for many people. And bookstores where one, two or three times have been exhausted are found mainly in areas of the federal capital where macrismo has won with many benefits, such as Caballito, Barrio Norte and Recoleta. The persecution by the intelligence services that has articulated war journalism with the judicial war seems to have made it a huge bestseller.

It is a book intended for an elusive urban middle clbad. This happens in an election situation and this becomes a further indication that Cristina Kirchner's candidacy is very likely.

It is worth reading. He has interesting anecdotes about the historical events of which he was the protagonist. As for example, the personal gift that made him the Russian President Vladimir Putin, who ordered him to buy at an auction in London.

It's funny because this object was worth to Cristina Kirchner one of the causes that opened her to justice, as if it was appropriate a historical object that did not did not belong. The object that Putin had ordered to buy in London to give to the president was a handwritten letter from General San Martin to his Chilean friend O. Higgins.

In one of the paragraphs published in PáginaI12 in the form of advance, the former president states that if he asked him to define Macri, he would do it with the word "chaos". Macri is chaos and its opposite is the idea of ​​order, which controls the economy. If his candidacy is confirmed, the idea of ​​his campaign is perhaps this one: The order of the work and the solidarity against the chaos of macrismo.


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