The left and the intellectuals repudiate a series of Netflix


The entertainment platform has published a series on Trotsky.

February 20, 2019

By a statement, Esteban Volkov, grandson of Trotsky, and the CEIP "Leon Trotsky" of Argentina and Mexico, gathered the signatures of renowned intellectuals from around the world to criticize Series "Trotsky" delivered by the platform Netflix At the local level, they joined Nicolás del Caño, Myriam Bregman and Néstor Pitrola left forehead

The rejection of the new product of Netflix is ​​due to the lies spread in the fiction about the Russian revolutionary. "What is Putin's goal to bail out these fake ones?"said the public statement that was shared simultaneously.

"In the series" Trotsky ", who formed and led the Red Army in defeating 14 imperialist armies, is presented as an egocentric, messianic, authoritarian, inhumane, criminal, competitive personality, qualities that are always related to their origin Jewish and who, in their old age, suffers hallucinations, tormented by the remorse of his alleged crimes to the revolution, "the statement said.

The statement is promoted by the grandson of Trotsky and CEIP (Center for Research and Publications) "Leon Trotsky" and bears the signature of a large local and international staff.

On the international stage, Slavoj Žižek, Fredric Jameson, Robert Brenner, Nancy Fraser, Mike Davis, Michael Löwy, Ricardo Antunes, Franck Gaudichaud, Stathis Kouvélakis, Alex Callinicos, Eric Toussaint and others stand out.

From Argentina, Horacio González, Alejandro Horowicz, Drucaroff Elsa, Nicolás del Caño, Myriam Bregman and Christian Castillo of the PTS, Néstor Pitrola and Jorge Altamira of the PO are some of those who expressed their rejection.


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