The "leftist day" and its myths


Another "International Leftist Day" ends and the day was marked by contradictory information, as well as by some dubious and other clearly false versions.

The first conflicting data concerns the day's designation. On the one hand, some attributed it to the date when, for the first time, there was a mbadive meeting convened by the London Left-handed Club, founded in 1990. On the other hand, he declared With the superstition

"The choice of the 13th day as World Day of the Zurdería is not a coincidence. In Latin, the right-handed antonym is ominous. In Spanish, the disaster was ominous and that is why a word in Basque was taken: left / left, to strip it of this negative meaning, "he said in a column published by the agency Telam Macarena Martínez Cuitiño, specialist in clinical neurology and director of the language neuroscience research laboratory of the foundation of the Institute of Cognitive Neurology (Ineco).

Finally, others ensured that the election of the day was an initiative of American Dean Campbell, founder of Lefthanders International Inc., in 1976.

But the base of the day chosen may be the least.

Among the other myths that circulated on Tuesday, there is the presence of the left in the womb, which was denied by the children's neurologist Raúl Córdoba, the Children's Hospital and the Sun Clinic.

"The laterality starts to be defined at two or three years. If it appears before, it is necessary to think of a possible deficit of the other arm, to a possible hemiparesis (muscle weakness of one or two limbs of one of the sides of the body ) ", did he declare.

"The child must stay, and not guide the use of a hand, as he will adopt his own laterality in development," he added.

He admitted that "everything is ready for the right-handed", but insisted that "the use of the left hand is not blocked". "The child will develop this skill and, of course, you will see which is the dominant hemisphere," he concluded. When the person is right handed, it is that the dominant hemisphere is the left and the opposite occurs when the person is sinister.

He also indicated that he was not receiving consultations for left-handed children and that there was no need to do so.

For her part, the psychomotor Mariana Dalbes explains that there is currently no problem deriving from the southpaw. "At other times, I was frowned upon and the children were tied with their left hands on their backs so that they could learn to write from the right," he said.

He also said that there are no people who have equal capacity with both hands. "We all have a more skilful body than the other; there will always be one hand more effective than the other, "he said.

Yes, on the other hand, he felt that the desks with an attached table may be more uncomfortable and that "the ideal is the independent table of the chair". "The desk with an attached table is made just for the right-hander," he said.

With regard to the possibilities of using certain instruments, such as scissors, he excluded that left-handers have more difficulty using them. And, regarding beliefs about related skills, he said, "There is no reliable study to show that left-handers are smarter or more creative."

He finally regretted the existence of processes anticipating new educational paradigms. "Today, from kindergarten, children start writing or focus on screens," he said. And he pointed out that the recreational activities that were conducted earlier in these stages contributed to the motor coordination. "There is no intermediate process," he questioned.


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