The lemons from Argentina arrive in India: the first export took place


After the visit of President Mauricio Macri in February and the trade mission that led in mid-July the Secretary for agribusiness, Luis Etchevehere, India allowed the entry of Argentine lemons 10 days ago.

And while 80% of the current campaign has already been marketed, this week, the first shipment of yellow citrus is gone for India.

were 24 tons of fresh fruit, sent by the citrus fruits San Miguel and who will arrive by boat in about 30 days to the Hindu market.

In dialogue with The Chronicler, the President of the Argentine Association of North-West Citrus (Acnoa), Pablo Padilla, pointed out that It's a "symbolic" export to verify that all bilaterally agreed phytosanitary mechanisms are working.

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The drop in rates from 45% to 20% stimulated consumption, which was extended every day and the extension of the sectors reached.

And now, the opportunity for the sector opens a campaign of dissemination of the sector in order to develop its activities in one of the largest markets of the world.

Argentina is a leader in the production and export of lemon yellow. Each year, it exports around 250 000 tonnes of fresh produce, mainly to the European market and, since last year, also to the United States.

But over the last five years, he has seen how South Africa has become a competitor, which continues to grow, and this year will equal the average Argentinian lemon export.

For Padilla, the opening of India as a market is an opportunitybut notes that the sector needs concrete measures to remain in the world's leading position.

In this sense, he said that because of lack of competitiveness, Lemon exports will end in 2019 around 210,000 tonsby below the annual average.

This, says the leader, is not a product of low production, but conditions in which the activity takes place.

International competition adds to the tax burden, including withholding taxes, and payroll taxes put the business on a tightrope.

"We also need to open markets and improve competitiveness," he said.

Although the citrus sector is among the 200 regional economies that had been reduced from $ 4 to $ 3 per dollar in early July by retaining the deductions imposed last September, Padilla in the case of lemon had been slow to benefit. great breakthrough in marketing the crop.

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