The Lima group has ruled out a military intervention in Venezuela


The Lima group, which met yesterday in Bogota and attended by Guaidó and US Vice President Mike Pence, supported a process of "democratic transition". Credit: DPA


Juan Guaidó

, president in charge of


, made his debut today in his first meeting with the Lima group in Bogota, which allowed him to confirm his authority over the rest of the world, but he had made little progress in his fight against

Nicolás Maduro

despite an excellent ally with US Vice President Mike Pence. The head of Parliament insisted on "all possible scenarios", while avoiding to expressly refer to a military intervention.

The response of the Lima group was conclusive: "The transition to democracy must be conducted by the Venezuelans themselves, peacefully, supported by political and diplomatic means, without the use of force." The signatories also decided to ask the International Criminal Court to add recent events to the request made by Argentina and other countries last year.

In meeting with
@VP and
@not a word We reaffirm our desire to work together relentlessly for the return of freedom to Venezuela. The diplomatic seat will continue. A total union of nations defending democratic values ​​and human rights in support of the legitimate government of the brother country. – Iván Duque (@IvanDuque)
February 25, 2019

For Guaidó, the moment to express his concerns has pbaded. "Those who started violating the Constitution today are killing civilians and natives and celebrating the burning of food and medicine.Millions of Venezuelans are about to die, I am the acting president of the United Nations. a country is starving and kidnapped by criminals, intensify concern and consider the highest levels of pressure and action, "said the opposition leader, who said he is in the Colombian capital with several challenges in his work portfolio: to advance the pressure against the revolution, to maintain Venezuelan morale after
a weekend marked by the battle of the borders and administer the pressure that he himself undergoes in his own ranks. He and his team members say his return to Caracas is imminent.

In the ranks of Parliament, they do not exclude to later request a military intervention, but they already know that they have already received the refusal of fundamental countries, such as Colombia and Chile. The European Union (EU) also played out in advance and before the start of the meeting, his Foreign Minister Federica Moguerini insisted that "we must avoid" the "European Union". military intervention in Venezuela.

Therefore, it seeks to strengthen the diplomatic seat, especially in the urgent list of actions, the "immediate freeze" of the badets of Petróleos de Venezuela (Pdvsa) across the continent, to make them available to the president in charge. "We expect a peaceful transition to democracy, but President Trump said: all options are on the table," said Pence.

It is no coincidence that the list of sanctions pronounced yesterday by the US Treasury Department is chaired by Governor Rafael Lacava, who beyond his unusual actions (himself drives the "Dracula car", adapted with a cell to imprison criminals) was mandated by Maduro to negotiate with the Trump government, in order to take advantage of its connection with the senators of the so-called Boston group.

The Latin American Foreign Ministers, President Iván Duque, Guatemalan President Jimmy Morales and Vice President Pence listened attentively to the words of the disciple of Leopoldo López. "The day after the mbadacre that they executed against the people, the second-in-command of the usurper regime told the world that it was only a sample of everything that they were ready for." to make sure that no one takes away from power, "said Guaidó.

The phrase, almost literal, comes from Vice President Delcy Rodríguez, who yesterday had the support of the number two of the revolution, Diosdado Cabello: "We show the tip of the iceberg, we will continue on the street, we will we beat on our knees the ground and the rifle on his shoulder ".

Protected by Bolivarian impunity, its key leaders celebrated the "popular victory" of 23-F, despite the deaths and injuries. A "mbadacre", as summed up by Guaidó, was summed up today by the Criminal Forum: four people were shot dead in Santa Elena del Uairén and in the indigenous community of Kumarakapay, as well as 52 wounded people by shooting (17 indigenous), shot by a majority of Chavez's collectives.

On the border with Colombia, paramilitary commandos are not only militants of revolutionary radicals, but also Colombian guerrillas of the National Liberation Army (ELN), dissidents of FARC and "pelusos", former paramilitaries who are currently smuggling gasoline in collusion with the Bolivarian army.

"It is important to remember that in Kumarakapay, most people who have not been arrested or injured are hiding in the jungle," said Gonzalo Himiob, director of the Forum, which also has more than 300 wounded across the country. The Mayor of Santa Elena del Uairen, Pemón Emilio González, has taken refuge in Brazil.


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