The Lima group ratified its support to Guaidó during a videoconference – Telam


The Foreign Ministers of the member countries of the Lima Group, the multilateral body that presses the Venezuelan government of Nicolás Maduro in search of a solution to the political crisis, opened today the fifteenth meeting at Palacio San Martín.

Chaired by Argentine Foreign Minister Jorge Faurie and his Peruvian counterpart, Néstor Popolizio, the meeting to "continue coordinating efforts to restore democracy in Venezuela" began at 9:30 am with speeches from the Peruvian host and minister. .

Rene the #GrupoDeLima in Buenos Aires, with the participation of foreign ministers and representatives of 16 countries and the European Union. ??????????????????????????????????

Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs @ (@CancilleriaARG) July 23, 2019

This is the first meeting of the group after the announcement of the report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, on July 5, in which she was asked to Caracas to put an end to "serious violations of human rights". in the country.

After the speeches of Faurie and Popolizio, a videoconference was organized with the president in charge of Venezuela, Juan Guaidó, who thanked the initiative and declared that the participating countries received the millions of Venezuelans who participated in a mbad exodus in the last years.

President's words @jguaido which describes to the group of Lima the details of the last apagn recorded in 21 states of Venezuela since last July 22 at 16 hours.

Elisa Trotta Gamus (@EliTrotta) July 23, 2019

On this occasion, in addition to Argentina, the representatives of Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Guyana and Peru, as well as senior representatives of the Governments of Canada, Honduras, Panama, Paraguay and Saint Lucia.


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