The Lima group rejected the military option and will double the economic sanctions against Nicolás Maduro


Vice President of the United States Mike Pence; Colombian President Iván Duque and Venezuela 's interim President Juan Guaidó met in Bogotá at the Lima Group summit, whose central theme was the search for a consensus to move from one country to another. before with measures against Nicolás Maduro's regime. After abandoning the military option, regional leaders tended to intensify economic sanctions and diplomatic pressure on the Chavez regime.

US Vice President Mike Pence has asked the Lima Group countries to impose sanctions on the Maduro government, such as freezing the badets of the state oil company Pdvsa, " Prohibition of all access to external financing "and the transfer of control of the accounts and holdings of the Venezuelan State in each country to the interim President Juan Guaidó.

In another of the most important sections, Pence went to the Venezuelan army and asked him to "take the flag of democracy" and support Juan Guaidó. "President Guaidó does not want to take revenge on you, nor does the United States want it, for all these members of the armed forces today, they take the flag of democracy, President Guaidó and his government, as well as the United States Government. welcome your support and relieve you of the sanctions that have been adopted"he said.

In addition, the Vice President of the United States imposed new economic sanctions on four governors of Venezuelan states, close to Maduro, whom he accused of being involved in blocking the distribution of aid. humanitarian and endemic corruption.

"Maduro 's illegitimate regime' s attempts to block humanitarian aid to the Venezuelan people are shameful and the state treasury is sanctioning four state governors lined up with former president Maduro for limiting the government 's efforts. much needed humanitarian aid, "said US Treasury Secretary Steven. Mnuchin.

The punishers are the governors of the Venezuelan states of Apure, Ramón Carrizalez, and Zulia, Omar José Prieto, both bordering Colombia, and the coastal governors of Carabobo, Rafael Lacava and Vargas, Jorge Luis Garcáa Carneiro, who have harbors maritime.

At the same time, opposition leader Juan Guaidó, recognized by some 50 countries as interim president of Venezuela, on Monday urged the Lima group and the United States not to open spaces. to Nicolás Maduro, because that would threaten the continent.

At the beginning of the Lima Foreign Ministers' summit to try to intensify the "diplomatic seat" of the Maduro regime, Guaidó asked for a minute of silence "for the mbadacre suffered by our people in Venezuela, Saturday 23 ".

– TN – Todo Noticias (@todonoticias) February 25, 2019

"It is important to restore democracy in Venezuela because those who usurp today the power threaten the stability of the continent (…) To be permissive with the usurpation of power would be a threat to all of America"Guaidó said.

Colombian President Iván Duque has called for a "more powerful and more effective" siege against Nicolás Maduro's government in the Lima group meeting, which is discussing in Bogota the next steps to take in the crisis in Venezuela.

"This meeting is to be used to ensure that the fence is more powerful, more efficient and quickly build this transition who is screaming for the people of Venezuela, "said Duque.

"I hope that today the Lima group is launching this call for Venezuelan military forces to be placed on the right side of history and offer their loyalty to the National Assembly." and to the president in charge so that the dictatorship reaches its final end. " added the Colombian president.


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