The “Lion King”, the unique mascot of a Pakistani


Dogs and cats are the animals that people most seek to make their own. pets national. However, some more daring, choose exotic beings like iguanas, snakes or tarantulas. But no one imagined living with an animal whose natural habitat is the jungle, let alone, King of the jungle.

However, there is one person in the world who has broken with all kinds of generalities. This is a Pakistani who went for more: he adopted a Lion cub and treat him like a son. During this time, the animal grew and became the domestic animal, where he shares games and even sleeps in bed.

Zulkaif Chaudhary is a 33-year-old man who acquired the feline while still a puppy in early 2019, so currently the animal has a much larger size which apparently does not scare its owner.

The Lion his name is “Awesome” and clearly has a good appetite because every day he eats about five kilos of raw meat and in addition, he has his own bedroom with a bed (obviously big size) where you can rest undisturbed.

Although this lion is not the king of the jungle, he is the king of his house because at no time has his owner considered chaining him or locking him up, despite the danger these animals represent due to their instinctive ferocity.

The Pakistani has a two-year-old son, but that does not prevent “Babbar” from walking around the house, as he is considered to be another family member.

The feline is fed with lamb or beef, so that he has better behavior and, like a domestic dog, they teach him basic tricks so that he learns to sit and follow orders.

“Babbar”, a member of the family

During an interview with the press agency Satisfied, Zulkaif Chaudhary He said that the lion is like his son and that he bought it because of his great passion for these animals. “He’s like my son. He was two months old when I bought him and he has lived with me for several months. Everyone is very happy to see it. They all come to meet him every day, ”he said. In addition, he explained that he had all the necessary permits for the lion to live in his house, but what he does not want to say is where and how he acquired the animal, since the wildlife trafficking It’s illegal.

A common pet in Pakistan

Apparently, this practice is not so obvious in Pakistan. In fact, in 2015, a lioness gave birth to five cubs, but she did not do so in a zoo or in the wild, but in her owner’s house. The feline, called “Queen”, had her young after mating with a male who also lives on this Pakistani farm.

Owner, Malik Fazal Abbas He said at the time that “Reina”, 4, had been with him since he was two months old. She mated with a man who also lived in Abbas’s house in the town of Multan. This man, who also grows mangoes and cotton (like Chaudhary), claimed to have a license from the Pakistan Wildlife Department to keep lions as pets.

Other wild animals live as pets in Pakistan. The tiger It is a symbol of the then ruling party of the Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, and some supporters took them on a leash during election times.


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