The list of the rarest names registered in Paraguay: "Optimus Prayn", "Finally Welcome Caraj …" and "Killbroy Killer"


Choosing the name that our children will wear is not an easy task. Many take months to decide, others can only do it when they have the newborn in front of them, and there are even those who must have the support of their family not to go to against certain traditions. However, and despite the fact that our name will accompany us throughout life, some parents abuse their creativity and they end up leaning Really hilarious names.

This Thursday, the civil registry of Paraguay published on its Twitter account the publication listed with the rarest names recorded in their minutes, and, really, there is something for everyone.

By his posts, the government agency delights us with flashy names like "Killbroy Killer"; others directly that refer to insutlos, such as "Finally, welcome to Carajo" or "Mamerto", and others that pay homage to comic characters, such as "Optimum Prayn " and "Mafaldo".

# WARNING List of RARE names that act in minutes of the @registrocivilpy:

– Civil registry (@registrocivilpy) March 21, 2019

The list also includes names with which it is difficult to establish a relationship and which simply allow us to think about how they found their parents, for example: "Fileto","Cute fluff","Rain of gold","Mystic Paloma"And"Key"


– Civil registry (@registrocivilpy) March 21, 2019


– Civil registry (@registrocivilpy) March 21, 2019

Of course, users of the small bird network were quick to speak up for and against the various elections. Although some were comfortable with names such as "Cipriano" or "Casimiro", the majority agreed that nicknames like "Finally Welcome Carajo" you "Optimus Prayn" They were "a little excessive".


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