The Loch Ness monster is back: they’ve detected a large object


What would places be without their legends who accompany and complement them? What would, for example, be the cemeteries without the legends of lost souls who – they say – roam there? Or the land without these stories of Bad light which usually shines in the distance and which, beyond the scientific explanation of the luminosity of the bones of dead animals, only captivates strangers.

The legend of Loch Ness is one of Scotland’s great attractions. In the past few months, 9 strange sightings have been reported in the reflecting pool. Photo: Adobe Stock (Illustrative image)For: Photo: Adobe Stock (Illustrative image)

For this reason, it is worth placing this question in a more specific and international context: what is Scotland and the imposing Loch Ness without the legend of its most famous inhabitant, Nessie, commonly called ‘The Loch Ness monster‘?

A few weeks ago, and after several months without any evidence of its presence in this traditional Scottish landscape, a tourist reported recording evidence of an atypical presence in the depths of the vast body of water. The man was on a ship as part of an expedition there. In addition, there is a series of recent stories compiled in recent months – nine in total. These only imply one thing: the legend of Nessie he is more alive than ever, and the stories about his presence, far from being diluted, are spreading more and more.

The latest sightings of the Loch Ness monster

A few days ago the Scottish newspaper Edinburgh Live published alleged evidence related to “a creature of great dimensions” which was seen in the Lake Ness and that, without a doubt, gets everyone thinking about the mysterious Nessie. Specifically, the newspaper article points out that it was a tourist, named Brandon Scanlon, who was traveling on the ship. Nassie hunter (Nessie Hunter). This person was on one of the traditional expeditions to explore the lake and, why not, find a trace of the monster.

Also according to the account of this tourist to the media, the sequence took place on 26 august last and was the radar of the vessel in which the person who detected something irregular was traveling. It is an object more than three meters long, located at a depth of 20 meters (in this area, the lake is 40 meters deep). Brandon ScanlonHe even reported that he photographed the radar and consulted with the captain of the boat about the anomaly.

The legend of Nessie

The earliest accounts of Nessie – or the Loch Ness Monster – date back to 7th century and the stories of a strange animal which, they say, were a kind of water horses that they had attacked people on certain occasions. Keipies was his name.

However, it was not until 1868 the first more contemporary descriptions of Nessie have emerged. It was in this year that the First article referring to “a huge fish or other creature” that had been seen in the depths of the lake.


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