The locomotive exploded in Egypt: 22 dead and 40 wounded | Chronic


The security cameras at Cairo Central Station captured the moment when a locomotive was embedded in a wall at the end of the wharf and left 22 dead and dozens wounded on Wednesday.

Both videos testify to the violence of the accident, followed by an explosion and a fire. "I was on the platform opposite (…) The locomotive arrived very quickly and crashed against the wall that collapsed", said a young traveler from the AFP agency under anonymity, who specified that only one beam remained intact at the scene of the accident.

Ahmed Ibrahim, a jewelry salesman who was going to work, added: "I heard the loud sound of an explosion after which there was a big fire, I ran and saw many wounded, I had to carry a girl with my own hands, I saw broken bodies in two, I had never seen anything like it ".

Distraction fatal?

The drivers involved were arrested and the specialists prepared a technical report on the causes.

The Attorney General of Egypt, Nabil Sadeq, revealed the causes of the burning of a train at Cairo's main train station on Wednesday, killing at least 22 people and injuring more than 40 people, local newspaper Al-Ahram reported.

According to Sadeq, the accident was the product of a conflict between two machinists and the subsequent negligence of one of them. As the manager explained, the train was heading toward the storage area when it crossed an intersection with another locomotive that was traveling in the opposite direction.

I also read: The train continued for a long time and hit the retaining wall in Egypt: 20 dead


The national government has expressed "Condolences and solidarity" the Egyptian government and people, following the collision of a train that occurred today at Ramses station in Cairo, killing more than 20 people and injuring others.

"The Argentine Republic offers its condolences and solidarity to the Government and people of the Arab Republic of Egypt, as well as to the families of the victims"said the Foreign Ministry in a statement.

According to Egyptian television, at least 20 people were killed and 40 others injured when the fuel tank of a locomotive exploded after hitting the road abutment at the end of the road in Egypt.


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