The loneliness of failure | Page12


The pancakes that come out every day are the rats that leave the ship. Those of Together for Change have decided to carry out a territorial political campaign and to sound ringing. Talking to people, it was planned. That could not do. They were thrown everywhere. Nobody wanted to hear their lies forever. Not even them – those who have to say them – believe them. Who can believe Marcos Peña when he says that each money exchanger has to convince ten voters to vote for them? How will they do it? Therefore, they ring the bells and hit them from all sides. Let's change that's turned into Rajemos. Macri was already, as the lively cumbia says, sung and danced all over the country. The inexplicable thing is that he has not already done so. Let it persist. If I had a little social perception, if I knew how to listen to the deepest and even the most superficial rhythms of social humor, I would know that it is no longer tolerated. If even the obese Mirtha tells him that he is a failure. Although later he repented, ha. That said, it's already said, ma'am. And he told her the worst thing he could have said. Because failure is not part of the merry worldview of Pro: a Pro Man is a success or nothing. It is a creation of oneself. It has been built with meticulousness and efficiency. It became what it was meant to be. Sometimes the attempt – even if it is stubborn – fails. And the stubborn Macri, the man whose star would never stop shining, failed resoundingly. So much so that even her friend, the lady who dines, told him so. He hurt her with the most derogatory word that he could have intended: failure. The one destined to defeat Daddy – who succeeded, a little trouble but finally succeeded – the light and frivolous young man of the 90s, the Argentinean Freddy Mercury, who came to the presidency of Boca Juniors, nothing less, and then he jumped to the power of the largest and most beautiful city in the country, then, among yellow balloons, laughter and dances, he appropriated the presidency of the republic, the unstoppable success, he bites today the dust of loneliness, it is wrapped in the bitter and dark haze of defeat. It has become imprescriptible. Even his old friends of the IMF do not want to talk to him. Only Brandoni, painfully Galician Soto of "The Rebel Patagonia", defied the Montoneros on May 1, 1974 on the historic square and worked for the third and oldest and bad Perón, brilliant and convincing. Spokesman for the best Alfonsin, only Brandoni seems to match. And one or the other. Only a few who do not even slightly shake the dream of winning in October. Because he knows that he loses. Because no one sees him winning. Because everyone is talking to Alberto Fernández, whom they treat without further delay like the new president. Because the belligerent president of March 1 this year does not impress or convince anybody. With a little luck, if justice does not happen before, he will go to the residence he has in Italy, whose curtains he has already hung.

Leave a country in ruins. This will lead to zero poverty that has promised nearly 40%. Interest rates (which ruin industry and trade) will reach more than 95%. Inflation does not stop. And it is – as I said in one of his rare successes – the infallible proof of the incapacity of a politician to govern. He created millions of poor people. Thousands of homeless sleeping in the streets. If Menem was the yeta, no luck, it's unfortunate. That's why he's alone. And we are not happy about his misfortune. Because it's ours. We deserve it. We will have done something so that he can do all that he has done. The middle clbad colonized by the power of the media, the same middle clbad united – as you always wish – to the upper clbades for their hatred of "blacks", the poor, foreigners, all the brothers of Latin America, the criminals who want death and not justice, corrupt justice, obedient to political power, spearhead that replaces the old rifle of the army in concentration camps, and finally this opoficialism that voted for them laws, reforms the budgets, which were ruthless adjustment plans, all created the destroyer and his merciless warriors. Therefore, it will not be easy to repair the damage. But not impossible. And much less simple. Because they – those who advocate on the side of evil – will not want unity or seek social pacts. They will continue to put sticks on the wheels, preventing, hurting. No need to complain. It's the story. Especially in this country adored and sublime. And shit


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