The longest lunar eclipse of the century can be seen in Mendoza


The longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century, with a total of 102 minutes, can be observed on Friday, July 27th. As long as the weather conditions are good, we can observe it in Argentina.

In the case of Mendoza, at least part of this phenomenon will appear in its final stages. In the province, it will start at 2:15 and the maximum eclipse will occur at 5:22 pm

An eclipse in its total phase, that is when the moon stops receiving the rays of the sun and is completely covered by the shadow of the Earth, looking red

The Longest

We can see it from South America, from Europe, from Africa, Asia and Oceania, and during all this time we can see that the Moon does not disappear from view but acquires a reddish hue

This eclipse will lengthen so much because it will coincide with the full moon and the lunar apogee. The orbit of the moon around the Earth is not perfectly circular. The point where the moon is the farthest from our planet is the apogee. As July 27 coincides with the full moon, it will look smaller because it is farther away.

But precisely because it is farther away and looks smaller, it will take longer to cross the shadow cast by the Earth. That's why this eclipse will be so long.

An additional curiosity will be that Mars will be on these dates at its closest point to the Earth (since 2003). The red planet will be better seen, and we will have the night of the 27th, the moon dyed red

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