The longest lunar eclipse of the century will be July 27


Next Friday, July 27, 2018 will be the longest lunar eclipse of the entire 21st century.

María Magdalena was not a prostitute or poor: investigator

The shadow that will cast the Earth will be so great that it will completely cover the Moon for an hour and 43 minutes, c & rsquo; That is to say for almost two hours.

In addition, the moon will turn red, a phenomenon commonly referred to as the "Blood Moon".

This lunar eclipse will last longer than January 31 of this year which lasted one hour and 16 minutes and, in fact, this next eclipse will be the longest of this century.

But there is bad news for Mexicans (and all of North America)) As we can not appreciate

In South America there will be countries that can see it partly like Brazil, Argentina or Uruguay.

And where can it be seen in all its splendor?

Those lucky enough to appreciate this phenomenon in the splendor of those who live in Africa, the Middle East, India, Australia and some parts of Europe.

Remember that lunar eclipses occur when the Moon pbades through the Earth's shadow (this happens when the Sun, like the Moon and Earth align). During a total lunar eclipse, the moon turns red because of sunlight that is refracted by the surface of the Earth.

Why will this lunar eclipse be so long?

The Earth will be at this time that is known as "the apogee", which is when our planet is at the furthest point of the sun (and therefore projects a larger shadow). In addition, the Moon will also be at its peak relative to the Earth (that is, it will be at the furthest point from it.)

The two events combined will result in an unusually long eclipse time. , b, e, v, n, t, s)
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