The loss of smell anticipates a good prognosis for patients with Covid-19 “Diario La Capital de Mar del Plata


La pérdida del olfato no sólo es uno de los factores de diagnóstico temprano de Covid-19, también es un síntoma de buen pronóstico de la enfermedad, según una investigación internacional liderada por científicos de la Universidad Complutense y el Hospital Clínico San Carlos de Madrid, Spain.

Thanks to a study carried out in numerous centers, with the largest sample used to date (5,868 hospitalized patients), the researchers confirmed that while its origin is still a mystery, anosmia – loss of smell – can act as a good prognostic factor for the disease. disease.

“These findings have many implications, from the initial assessment of patients to the ability to understand pathophysiology. It is possible that the invasion of the nasal epithelium causes the activation of adequate immunity by avoiding cytokine storms, ”explained Jesús Porta-Etessam, head of the neurology section of the Clínico San Carlos hospital, professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM) and first author of the book.

In addition to identifying anosmia as a good prognostic factor, the researchers also determined that olfactory and taste dysfunctions are more frequent in women (12.41% against 8.67%), in those under 65 and in patients with renal, pulmonary, cardiac, neurological or oncological pathologies.

The results obtained on one of the first symptoms of the coronavirus can be used as criteria when classifying patients or making treatment decisions, according to the Complutense University of Madrid in a note published on Monday.

The findings of this study could be used to develop “risk indices” for complications, which Porta-Etessam believes would be very useful and interesting when observing, treating or evaluating patient discharge.

In addition to the UCM and the San Carlos Clinical Hospital, the Madrid hospitals of La Paz, Infanta Sofía, Nuestra Señora de América, Puerta de Hierro or Getafe participated in the study; the Clínico de Valladolid (north-western Spain), Virgen de La Arraixaca (Murcia), Álvaro Cunqueiro (Vigo) and Burgos (north) university hospitals; Havana Institute of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery (Cuba); the General Hospital of the North of Guayaquil IESS Los Ceibos (Ecuador) or the San Carlo Clinic in Milan (Italy).


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