The lover agent: he fined her for "excess of beauty" and eventually summed up


<meta property = "og: description" content = "A Uruguayan public transport inspector has declared his love to a driver for whom he has lost some of his work and is now at risk of losing his job.

The love agent: he fined her for "excess of beauty" and ended summarily | MDZ online

the offense that can cost the job to a transit agent.

The telegraph

A transit agent in the town of Paysandú, Uruguay, fined a driver for "excessive beauty on public roads" and was summarily accused of using this public document inappropriately.

The event in question occurred on May 25 and, as shown in the photo of the non-existent offense, the inspector sanctioned the woman for "recklessness in the treatment" and closed the description by a "I like you".

In addition to maintaining his employment, the officer risks a temporary suspension, a transfer to another public body or even being relieved of his duties and losing his status as an inspector.


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