The low intensity repression, another tactical Chavista against the opposition


Chavismo has unleashed the hunt and capture of everything that has to do with Juan Guaidó, the president in charge who runs the challenge against Nicolás Maduro. It is a calculated low intensity persecution, which does the most damage possible without inducing the indignation of the international community. Slowly but surely; without making headlines, but exemplary.

In the background, the strategy against the Leader of the Opposition itself is very similar: they harbad him, they initiate a procedure, threaten to disable him, but they do not stop him. In the game of the cat and the mouse, the party in power considers that it loses now more than it gains if it ordered its incarceration. For the time being.

The savage crackdown in January, with more than 40 deaths between 21 and 24 years, has caused rejection inside and outside the country. Amnesty International has even reported five targeted executions. In an attempt to "whitewash" the world to maintain its "victim status" against the empire, the revolution changed its strategy: efficiency without too much noise. A symptom also of weakness against the growth of Guaidó's figure.

Abusive and unconstitutional practices have continued selectively, ranging from doctors to NGO activists to NGO activists. One of the most striking cases of recent hours is that of Dr. Ledys Mata, a psychiatrist at the Trujillo Hospital, who was arrested by the police on charges of inciting hatred for reporting the shortage of medical centers. . This is precisely one of the arguments for claiming humanitarian aid.

Human rights defenders are not spared either: the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) expressed yesterday its concern at the "ongoing harbadment" of which they are victims. Among them is Marco Antonio Ponce, president of the Venezuelan Observatory of Social Conflict, an organization that counted the deadly victims of repression against popular neighborhoods in the days leading up to and succeeding the inauguration of Guaidó as president acting.

The penultimate badlash was produced the day before yesterday, as early as the performance of Spanish Miguel Bosé, in the early hours of Venezuela Aid Live's transmission from Cucuta, Colombia. Despite the size of the concert, including several prominent local Venezuelan stars, no channels or radio has broadcast it. Only international channels, such as Antena 3 and NatGeo, broadcast it to pay-TV subscribers. The signal was cut off and the Venezuelans present at the performances immediately understood that for them the concert was over.

The National Telecommunications Commission (Conatel), headed by Colonel Jorge Elieser Márquez, as if it were a National Guard barracks to which it belongs, dictated the order remove radio stations broadcasting a concert. The army, former badistant of Maduro, is also minister of the presidential office. Previously, they had also suffered from NTN24 bolivarian anger, CNN in Spanish, Caracol and NCR Colombians, Todo Noticias, TV Azteca, among others.


The sophistication of revolutionary censorship is such that it does not conform to these brutal blows. They also shot against social networks and YouTube, according to the NGO NetBlocks Group. Beginning in January, interruptions are frequent on Twitter or Instagram, in addition to YouTube, during Guaidó speeches, whose name and position (president in charge) are prohibited on all channels. Journalists who did not comply with the orders were dismissed or harbaded; the broadcasters who relayed an act of the president of the National Assembly were closed.

"This government has completely obscured the media, as with the abuses of the presidential channels, has shown excessive concern for a concert and blocked the channels that broadcast it, generating more noise with the blockade itself," said Carlos Naria, director of the NGO Public Space.

The sophistication reached by Chavismo in the field of communication reveals the importance that the higher government attaches to propaganda. The latest report from the Venezuelan Institute and Press Society (IPYS) details the blockages, the theft of personal data in the network and the digital grievances against the info-activism of the Platform of the Venezuelan volunteers responsible for protecting the entry of humanitarian aid.

Not content with this, the revolutionary trolls accused a well-known Venezuelan militant of stealing $ 10,000 for selling the list of volunteers. Another common tactic these days is spreading false news and blaming it on respected independent journalists. The more Guaidó's name appears on an independent media, the more his officials are persecuted.

"Alert, a general breakdown of communications via Internet and satellite in Venezuela, until selective here," warned Rocío San Miguel, president of the NGO Control Ciudadano.


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