The macabre details of the fall of the serial killer gay gardener when he was about to commit his ninth crime – 05/02/2019


They call him John and, if he had not been involved in police intervention in Toronto, Canada, he would have become the ninth victim of Bruce McArthur, the gay gardener a serial killer who moves Canadian society and confessed to the crime of Justice of God. eight men, all belonging to the homobadual community.

According to the ABC newspaper, at the time of McArthur's arrest, the 67-year-old detainee had taken John to his apartment, to whom I had contacted by a dating app.

Toronto police found human remains hidden in pots at the accused's home. (Reuter)

Toronto police found human remains hidden in pots at the accused's home. (Reuter)

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When the officers broke into the suspect's house, John was tied to the bed and had a black bag on his head: I could not see or breathe.

The police intervention was not accidental. At McArthur they had been investigating since 2017 for the disappearance of two men: Selim Esem and Andrew Kinsman. And before this January 18, when he was arrested, they had him under surveillance. That's why they broke into the apartment when they found that they had brought in another potential victim.

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The evidence that Justice has against McArthur is overwhelming. There are surveillance videos, photographic evidence and even DNA. In addition, the detainee confirmed with his head all eight crimes that the court imputed to him.

In addition to Esem and Kinsman, the victims were Majeed Kayhan, Soroush Mahmudi, Dean Lisowick, Skandaraj Navaratnam, Abdulbasir Faizi and Kirushnakumar Kanagaratnam.

Police were about to search the accused's home after arresting him in the middle of last month. (AP)

Police were about to search the accused's home after arresting him in the middle of last month. (AP)

The details of what the murderer gardener did with his victims are gruesome. After profiling the defendant's computer, the investigators discovered that some shaved head and beard after smothering and that he kept his shaved hair in bags that he hid in a shed near a cemetery in Toronto.

During the search of McArthur's home, in addition to a USB memory with several records, some with the names of the eight victims and another named John; the police found human remains hidden in pots and also in a neighboring country.

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According to the BBC, the death of Kinsman was the key to the discovery of the killer-gardener. Had the victim annotated Bruce's name on June 26, 2017, in his diary. Exactly, this day has disappeared.

Another clue was a surveillance video neighborhood where the victim lived from the date of his disappearance. There was a very special car: a red Dodge Caravan 2004. After the police investigation, it was determined that five men, named Bruce, had this car, but only one model belonged to the 2004 model, the gardener McArthur.

McArthur had a USB key in his house with files with the names of his victims. The police found him during raids. (Reuter)

McArthur had a USB key in his house with files with the names of his victims. The police found him during raids. (Reuter)

Exactly, this car was found in a disarmament by the police. When they saw it, they found traces of blood and sperm. After genetic badysis, the DNA was positive with profiles of Kinsman and Esem.

It was then that the police began to monitor McArthur and that he acted while he was about to commit the ninth crime.

Source: ABC


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