The machinist of the Once tragedy, Marcos Córdoba, against Julio De Vido: "You want to save"


"If it was not me, it would have happened with another motorman," said Córdoba

The machinist Marcos Córdoba, said yesterday by the former Minister of Planning

Julio De Vido
for his responsibility in

the tragedy of Once
was interviewed by the program

Animals in freedom
and responded to the former official: "Do not accuse, they already have proof."

"[De Vido] is false, that it is clear that I have done everything possible to stop the train, I am tired of talking about it.

Cristina Kirchner
] and the former minister, "said Córdoba

When television reporter América TV asked him if a parsley was felt, the motorman confessed," Yes. He added: "De Vido wants to be saved, not You can blame a poor worker. The trains were lacking maintenance, you could say. "

The motorman also said how tragic the morning was:" I did my normal service like every day. At about 1200 meters I start to tighten the brakes of the platform, when I see that I do not brake, I make the application of urgency. Seeing that it does not slow down, I manage to seize myself. Once I run the emergency, I do not have any other way. "

" I believe in Justice, that's why I fight for the truth to be known. I do not give more. Sometimes I say, "I'll be dead." It's a backpack that you do not get anymore, "said Córdoba.

Also, he commented with a psychological treatment but without medication. "If for all that I am living here, it is to fight. I accompany the loved ones and I know it's a pain that will not end, "he said," if it was not me, it would have been with another motorman " she said the state has put the motorman in a risky situation "and that" it has already been proven "that his defendant" stopped the train "on February 22:" Blame the motorman is a maricone
(sic) is to hit the weakest. "And he also said that Roque Cirigliano days before the accident" acknowledged, by e-mail, the train's faults. "

De Vido had said that it was" materially impossible "that he was able to control the condition of the trains and that he was subject to a" popular lynching ", in addition to maintaining
the culprit of the tragedy was Córdoba (already sentenced by this case to three years and three months in prison): "He did not apply the brakes of the formation and this caused the fatal shock […] I do not do not know or know trains. "

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