The Macri government has promised the United States. that if the IMF advanced its repayment, "communism would not come back"


To obtain the advance of the disbursement of the IMF, the Argentine government promised the Fund and the United States that "communism will not come back".

Such an unusual phrase was used by Change in March during his tour of North America for $ 10,700 million Stand by loan.

At this time, the Fund should badyze the disbursement of a new tranche. "At one point, one of the staff members of the international financial institution asked a member of the Argentine delegation," the newspaper reveals Clarin.

– Something would happen if we delayed a little disbursement?

To which Argentina, strictly speaking, replied:

Communism would come back.

This happened during the Argentine delegation's March tour to the United States, where the economic team was transferred to Houston and Washington.


Macri asked "not to go back to the past" but announced the return of "Ahora 12"

"The prelude to the definitions of the interest of Mike Pompeo and Kissinger for the IMF on the situation in Argentina may well be the trip that an Argentine delegation made in March, first to Houston, in Texas, to meet with representatives of the oil sector and then in Washington, for a new meeting with Christine Lagarde of the IMF and with the Secretary of the Treasury, Steven Mnuchin, "said the newspaper about the promise promised by Macri. So in the government of Let's change and we do not talk anymore about "populism" but they went further: "communism".

"It did not even mention populism, a political concept generally identified in countries like the United States with the governments of the United States. Néstor and Cristina Kirchner. Communism, directly. The same fear that existed between 1973 and 1977, when Henry Kissinger was Nixon's secretary of state and then his successor, Gerald Ford, "wondered Clarín.

"According to the United States, beyond Trump's personal relationship with Macri, lies the situation in South America, where Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil, it lacks the political stability necessary to consolidate in the region; where Venezuela resists the hand of Chavez Nicolás Maduro; and or The White House does not see in Argentina as a solid ally. Y Washington for the moment is not in a position to lose that ally to Kirchner's hands", closes the chronicle.


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