The madwoman of the "candle", the woman who buys ice and carries her own container


Dafna buys ice cream and wears her own tupper Credit: DIEGO SPIVACOW / AFV

In the portfolio of designer Dafna Nudelman, there is always a tupper. In addition, there is also a bottle for loading water, a set of wooden cutlery and a metal sorbet. In addition, a reusable bag and, if you plan to go through the vegetable merchant, an army of smaller cloth bags bearing the caption "tomatoes", "onion", "potato", "carrots". In each, it corresponds to one kilo. When she wants something delicious, Dafna leaves her house in Almagro and goes to the local ice cream shop, where she is already known by her nickname: "La loca del taper", like this one, with A, it's ringing. They baptized her for the first time last May, she laid her own tupper on the counter and asked for a quarter of granita, chocolate and granita. The cooler looked at her in amazement, but when she explained the reason, she accepted her request. He weighed the empty container and then filled it with ice cream. "No, do not put me on a spoon, I brought mine," he says.

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[R]#Zerowaste Kit # to reduce disposable disposables every day![R] These are some of the elements that help me today to avoid some disposables (not all). This "kit" that I did not buy is done, it's a half-Frankenstein that I prepared over the years. Some things I've done, like the Lisa cloth bag [R] ; and some I found by chance, ?? Like the foldable silicone tupper. ?? But for other things I was looking for and I had not sold here yet, I had trips made with people close to them, like the bottle. [R] [R] Fortunately, there are more and more local projects that are aware of the need and are betting on such products. The first object of this kit was the folding bag, a gift from my mother for over 5 years that I have not stopped using. Very convenient to always have in the backpack. But I also want to point out that the move or lifestyle of #zerowaste on Instagram can sometimes be a little misleading. or at least confusing. ?? No, I do not wear all this with me all the time. Sometimes I want to go lighter, sometimes I have to wash them and I forget them, sometimes I have them and not another one. We can not carry so much weight all the time! ???[R] Maybe there are those who argue that it is possible, with a lot of effort, to really do the "zero" garbage, but I believe that today, it is NOT possible. Neither is it a concern that can leave room in all realities and we will not make any real change if we are only two crazy obsessed with the impossible while many others remain on the autopilot without even know the urgency. We need to generate critical mbad, people who are more conscious and worried! [R][R][R] And if, by reducing our waste, we can give the example, generate conversations and inspire others, go for it! [R][R] [R]But let's keep in mind the sentence that says, "We do not need perfect people to make everything perfect, we need a lot of people to do it better" and if the products help us, both better![R] [R] That's why, a … DRAW! [R] With a lot of Argentine project products! Do you like the idea? What do you have in your kit, what are you missing? What would you like to incorporate into your routine to avoid disposable products? [R]

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The crazy cone | Dafna N (@lalocadeltaper) on

"I love ice cream, but one day, it seemed ridiculous to come back every time I went to the ice cream shop with a small pot of telgopor, a plastic material difficult to recycle. to take my own container, you do it, you realize it's as simple as making a decision, "he says.

It was not long before Dafna became the insane network nut. Your Instagram account (
@lalocadeltaper) was in fashion. He has nearly 20,000 followers and his profile picture is that yellow tupper that is still in his wallet. "I am an anti-influential, because what I propose, is to consume less.I am an activist of no.My slogan is, if it is disposable, no thanks.The tupper m & # 39; always accompany, sometimes empty, other times, full If one day I like to buy food, I have the means to avoid the plastic tray, "he explains.

Activist Tupper

His activism is part of both the fight against plastic and the challenge of zero waste, whose first objective is the disposable and disposable material: it was primarily supermarket bags. Then
banned straws in Pinamar, Mar del Plata and also in Buenos Aires. And now, the focus is on individual bottles.

Why is the world putting single-use plastic under control? The reason is to reduce the huge amount of waste that reaches the oceans: about 600,000 tons per year.
And more than 80% of the marine waste is plastic. At this rate, they warn, by 2050 there will be more plastic in the sea than fish, recently estimated the World Economic Forum. Disposable plastic items, which are not recycled and have a significant impact, especially when they go to sea: the fish and the birds eat them whole and die choked. According to industry data, each Argentina uses about 43.2 kg of plastic a year, and only 24% of domestic plastic waste is recycled after consumption.

Nuts and chestnuts in a cloth bag
Nuts and chestnuts in a cloth bag Credit: DIEGO SPIVACOW / AFV

Dafna's fight started in 2010, when she studied design at UBA and was part of the Green FADU project: recycle notes, models, cardboard and all the materials surrounding her. Career study such as design and architecture. In November, he will travel to Shenzhen, China, to join
Unleash project, a global innovation lab bringing together people from around the world, transforms 1,000 personal ideas into hundreds of ideas and creates sustainable global networks around Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). She represents the country for the "Responsible Consumption" goal.

How does the ice cream maker react when he shows the tupper? "There is usually resistance," says Dafna. "MPs have a bill banning single-use plastics.The issue of bromatology is a limit.Many institutions are afraid to accept the tupper because they fear what could happen. It makes sense But now, we also realize that it is ridiculous to provide an eternal material that we use only five minutes, we must rethink the way we do it so that it does not happen, "he said .

They always ask you the same question: can not you recycle? "Yes and No. It's a myth that only 9% of the plastic in the world is recycled.It is an illusion to create no guilt.The best waste is the one that is not generated. ", he insists.

A quarter of ice in tupper
A quarter of ice in tupper Credit: DIEGO SPIVACOW / AFV

Habits gradually changed and he gradually developed: in the bathroom of Dafna's house, the shampoo is in a bar and the bamboo toothbrush. There is a menstrual cup instead of wipes, daily fabric protectors that are placed in the washing machine, a homemade natural detergent: to degrease, use water and vinegar, which is in some way so your universal cleaner.

Every six months, he buys a five-liter drum and makes sure to reuse it later. To wash another type of dish, dissolve white soap in a bottle. In vinegar, it adds citrus zest and guarantees complete cleaning and disinfection, without contaminants. According to the videos and articles posted on her Instagram account, she also has several options for the washing machine: the soap is bought and filled, she chooses a company that uses biodegradable materials. He has his composter, where he recycles his organic waste with Californian worms. Another change: he stopped buying milk. Not because I do not consume it. "I have not become vegan or intend to do it.But as I live alone, the consumption of milk is low.Then I buy milk powder and the impact on the packaging is much less important, "he says. But all these changes did not come overnight.

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Life and work of a toothbrush [R] [R]It is manufactured, it is exposed, it is sold, it is used for a few months, maybe it is reused for others, and … We are supposed to do this 4 times a year, on average more 300 times in our lives. Can we imagine 300 brushes per person? They are a few billion across the country. [R] A few months ago, I mentioned the problem of designing conventional brushes, and the most advantageous alternative among the solutions available today is the @merakibambu bamboo brush. [R] After stretching a little more the account of its useful life (shh) it's time to go to the compost, so here we see a little "evolution" of the brushes. [R] [R]First of all one of the clbadics that I have had for many years. I use it in the kitchen, and a good idea is to fold the handle with heat so that they can clean difficult things to access (you can experiment folding different parts for different uses) [R] [R] Then come bamboo: the new replacement, a used that will clean things of plants, and another already disbadembled, handle and bristles already separated, which go respectively to compost and ecological brick. [R] He had painted the spikes with enamel to differentiate them and protect the wood from moisture. (I sand the enamel to throw it in the compost, and yes, add another piquitín of garbage) [R] Although they are not obtained from biodegradable bristles, I would say that 99% of the residue in a brush is the handle, which is solved. We will see in the middle of the year how this decomposition occurs (it is said that it is 180 days = 6 months). ?? Have you tried changing your brush for a bamboo? Have you ever put in the compost and can you tell us what happened? What do you do when a brush arrives its time? Ideas to reuse it? Has anyone tried bamboo and it has not worked for them? I also want to know these experiences! . #zerowaste #residuocero #zerowasteblogger #zerowasteargentina #zerowastebathroom #bamboo #biodegradable

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The crazy cone | Dafna N (@lalocadeltaper) on

To avoid plastic, you must always keep your guard, he says. For example, at the vegetable shop, Dafna wears her own cloth bags to avoid the small bags used for each type of vegetable or fruit. In addition, it usually simplifies the purchase because he already knows what he needs every week. "In Buenos Aires, the use of the reusable bag has been installed through the law.But the truth is that we all have an army of bags that we reuse and that is a mistake because it means that we do not reuse them anymore.If we recover them, it's worse, the production footprint is greater than that of a traditional bag, "he says.

Shopping in the diet, with its own cloth bag
Shopping in the diet, with its own cloth bag Credit: DIEGO SPIVACOW / AFV

The reaction to Dafna no is disparate. On the one hand, when he says that he does not want the plastic bag or goblet, some sellers are staring at him, as if to say "but it's free." As if the disposable was an acquired right. But it's also a good opportunity to chat with other customers who ask why. "At first they asked me if it was cheaper, now many understand what I am aiming for and give them the idea to do the same," he adds.

Before the automatic act requires that we be attentive and say no, me without a spoon

"I do not demonize plastic, it's a material that has brought us improvements in many ways.There are specific uses.What I'm asking for is not to leave disposable plastic anymore." In everything that is health, in syringes, in sterile materials, Bromatology is involved, plastic should not be abandoned, progress is also made and biodegradable plastics, made from plant materials, are put into practice. instead of hydrocarbons, but the plastics used for health should be the last, the battle to free us, "he explains.

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Post is compost (r): P ??[R][R] ? Last year, for my birthday, I ordered a composter at @compascomposteras to offer more space on my mini-balcony. ? But to begin with, I tore up with the pot of paint looking back, I made holes and I decorated it with a touch of "earth texture". @laurapaonessa was my source of inspiration for composing the #compost and for a long time, I did it without worms, until my dad brought me one (and the difference is remarkable!)? . ? For me, it is magical to see that with very little effort (on my part) my organic remains, (nearly 50% of urban waste!) Are transformed into fertile fertilizer in a few weeks! It is essential to know that the leftover fruits and vegetables that we usually throw, if we separate them #NoEsBasura In nature, there is no concept of "waste" !? ? Composting is easier than it looks and composting in an apartment may seem impossible, but it is feasible! It does not require too much space, it does not smell or attracts insects when it is well balanced. And for those lucky enough to have a garden or terrace, there is almost no excuse! ? ? My process was purely empirical: it rotted in the beginning and I learned the importance of the balance between wet and dry. With a little time and patience I took her hand. . ? If you still do not do it and you are curious, I know that there is material! The @redcompostaje brings together many companies and organizations that teach how to do it. I shared your doubts or your advice if you already do it and we are learning at all !? … #composting #zerowaste #residuocero #compostera #lombricompost #vermicompost

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The crazy cone | Dafna N (@lalocadeltaper) on

The decision to bring your own bottle and fill it with tap water is one of the habits most contaminated by its followers. "Millions of bottles a minute are thrown around the world, many of these bottles are water, while in many cities the water in the system is drinkable, we could use a reusable bottle. We do not need water, which in most cases it is also not a mineral product, it travels hundreds of kilometers.This will create resistance in the industry ", did he declare.

Of course, it is more comfortable to leave the house without a well-equipped wallet. But, he says, the effort is worth it. "We consume many products that we could search for. Plastic has existed for about 70 years, less than a human life. But it's a material that lasts 400 to 500 years. That is to say, the first plastics have not arrived yet. In addition, if Columbus had brought plastic cups into the caravels, they would still be in America: in a microsecond in the history of humanity, we filled the planet with plastic.
In the deepest ocean exploration, we find plastic and
the summit of the highest mountain too. It is a crisis of enormous magnitude. But we have to start changing all the comfort that the market has brought us, "he says.



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